How'd it go today?

finished 2 jobs that have been running on for about 3 weeks. one paid when i left, the other was out of town. dam glad to be done w/ them. on the way home, sold 2 more jobs, one for early november (i think thats the back end of my schedule)
Washed the engine bay of the jeep today and then the mud from our last little adventure. I have a couple oil lines to fix, might as well get as much grease out of the way prior to working on it. Of course I had to fix the pressure washer as the hose finally came in... And of course one of the kids decided water goes in the tank... so that needed addressing.. Took a customers ride on mower into the shop for it's appointment and they have it ready already, need to go pick that up tomorrow. Fixed the trailer wiring again, well the connector anyway. I don't know who keeps stepping on it as they climb into the back of the truck and I really don't care as long as it quits happening... GRRRRRR Took Lilly with me for her "work day" ride and took her to lunch... She had a great time. She loves to help and carry things. SHe does not get to go to work quite yet as the boys do. Probably next year if she listens better.
Katy just got home and now it is kids bath time. Seth decided to try the pressure washer out in the dirt and carve a trench with his brother and sister watching closely. I have three VERY muddy children. Two down.. one to go LOL
The grand kids are coming over this afternoon .

I purposely left a few tomatoes and cucumbers on the vines to kind of have show and tell .That should tickle them .

Oliver the boy is fascinated with anything that has an engine .Wonder where that came from .:) I'll get one of the riding mowers out and give him a little ride .That should make him giggle . Probabley should hid the saws lest he want to start one up .That will have to wait a few more years .
Seth decided to try the pressure washer out in the dirt and carve a trench with his brother and sister watching closely.
Say now that kids' pretty smart .I used the pressure washer to unearth the cable vision /internet wire when I built the addition .Worked like a charm .
Went to try this out on some brush but I forgot Sat. was my buddies busiest day. :|: When I got there he was gone to take care of a disgruntled customer. The engine has been gone trough and runs great. wanted to check it out for belt tension and cutting bar adjustment. For $3500 I'm considering the purchase.


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Ha that guys' yard looks like my woods with pieces and parts of riding mowers every where .

The woods is neat because you can kind of hide things .
He is selling it for Habitat for Humanity. They would have let it go for 2500 but he talked them up on the sale price. :cry:
Those chippers are work horses and low maintenance. I run a number of them in the 70's and 80's. And had one of my own. Blades last a real long time. Very simple machines.

Well worth the price even if you have to put an extra couple of bills to get it going.
Toms old Lindag C and D with a 300 Ford was a wood eating machine .Just stand aside when feeding it else it could spit out a big chunk and smack you upside the noggin or beat the tar out of you with the tail end of a branch .It doesn't take long to learn that lesson though .
I'd try to get him down on the price if you can. My CnD might have been a real deal at $2500 for a 9" ( by 12" wide), with a rotating and telescoping chute. That one looks like the feed tray funnels down to 6" maybe, and doesn't rotate. You can't fill your truck very effectively with a 'straight chuter', nor spray into a pile off to the side. I know a guy with the straight chute, and he has to take a pitch fork or shovel to move the chips in his truck, and I suspect gets less chip density that way. Looks like it might have a fixed chute height, as well.

For a $3500 chipper, a person can't ask for it all, though.

Hope it meets your needs if you do go for it.

Like Erik and Jerrry said, not much to go wrong with a CnD and dependable.
How do you mean, Erik? What do you suggest for a non-adjustable chute and wide dump truck? Just moving the truck and chipper to a different bend angle? If there was a dependable groundie, he could do that, but he's not even dependable himself.
That's what I used to do. Or unhook and move over. A lot more effective than screwing around with a pitchfork, I'd say.
Initially it wouldn't be hooked to a truck while I'm clearing my place out; just blowing into piles. I haven't had problems with fixed shoots in the past, and I can always make the height adjustable.:)

I originally thought of hiring a mower to come in and brush the place out, But I am planning on a picking up a mini skid steer around the first of the year and a chipper fits into the picture nicely.
I spent the whole day canning produce from the greenhouse.
Now the winter can just come along, I'm ready.

That big greenhouse has been a wonderful investment:)
Ran a couple tanks through the string trimmer a tank through the saw clearing out around sumac and cutting it, down plenty more to go. Think I'lll pick banjo for a couple hours and turn in early. School starts tomorrow bright and early at 11am.8)