How'd it go today?

Alas it will be a forestry model truck. Having the backup chip body. Is worth it to me. Plus it will haul the mini and some gear around out of the weather.
Upgrading to a diesel truck with Ac. So that's a plus.
Thinned some pondos and raked up a bunch of duff and pine needles for a fire clearance today. The guy booked a bunch of days over the next year for more ladder fuel reduction in the old Sherlock and Colorado areas. Might get 100 acres cleared over there yet :lol:
Killed a boxelder today. My first boxelder ever. Hopefully my last. It was brutal. Bugs all over me. The dust dried my 200t up terribly. It was so stringy that I had to scream through cuts as fast as a could to get them to hinge and break in time to lay limbs/wood out in the yard as intended. The sh*t wanted to clog my chipper too. The rake up was brutal. No more for me hopefully.
ground up some stumps today trying to finish some of the storm work from the last couple weeks as to get PAID! got a bunch more, maybe monday.
Had a wake up call for the crew and me today. Had a 3/4 Tenex eye sling fail on a 6'8"19in oak, last piece before the flop, no damages to life limb or property. ...

rskybiz- do you still have the sling? Can you send it to me for evaluation? I'd like to analyze the splice to see if it is a bad splice, bad rope, or something else that was the issue. Did you make the sling yourself? If not, where'd you get it? This is a pretty big deal.

I'll PM you about it.

...Tenex average breaking strength of 22,400 pounds. Not sure how much the splice weakens that. Something is off...

If it was done mostly right, you're retaining an easy 90% of the strength. More likely it was 100%. But even if it was a crummy splice only retaining 70 or 80%, it's still plenty strong to do what it should've done here.
They currently alternate and have potential to jump over to ground making them quite hot, thankyouverymuch
Green log chart says that should be 1206 pounds. Thats roughly 5400 pounds and through a block I believe you would double that if it were locked off for 10,800 pounds. Tenex average breaking strength of 22,400 pounds. Not sure how much the splice weakens that. Something is off...

Cycles to failure.
there is something. I tested eyes in Tenex with just the brummel and NO bury. I was expecting a major strength loss, instead it was only around 25-30 percent reduction.
Moved a lot of stuff out to the garage that my wife is taking with her when she leaves. Cleaned some of the house and rearranged some book shelves. Filled a 20 yard dumpster with stuff my sister or I don't want and don't want to clean up for goodwill. Mowed the back field and picked up some sticks & stuff from the yard. Pruned two silver maples for car clearance in the drive and two spruce for electric service clearance. Visited my neighbor to tell him about my banjo and the trip down to KY (he is form down there and is trying to learn to play). Picked and sang with a buddy on the porch for a couple hours. All in all it was a productive and enjoyable day.