How'd it go today?

The problem is sourcing good guys and then the added pressure of keeping good guys going full-time. CTM called me up about a week ago looking to maybe come in as a hired gun, I probably should've tried to make something work.

I'm going to be looking into something though and brainstorming like crazy.

Lol Paul, I can tell your right now my big competitor from Calgary who bought out the oldest company around here would've done ten times better to have made me an offer. Anything's for sale.
I like Paul's idea but more often than not the mess needs to flow as the job goes or else the clean-up just takes tooooooo long.
No, the idea has merit still. On some jobs it would workout dandy. I just need all the money I put down on this house to make it happen! Lol.
I am looking in to my own situation for next year, I have been asked to bid 2 more townhouse stratas for maintenance. If I get them I would need a crew of 3 for 3 days a week and a crew of 2 for 2 days. Me possibly being one of that mix on the site. Fun times!
On the topic of business/life changes. I'm probably dropping the part time job for next year too, and going back on my own 100%. Should probably do it sooner but it'll pay for sitting on my butt one more winter. :D
Well then I am in Jay's heaven..........we are booked out 6 weeks + for 3 crews.
Squish. I am in a similar situation. Work is abundant. Getting pretty good money too. I have hired a contract climber on several jobs. Just to keep mess flowing. And mainly cause of the extreme heat we have been having.
Looks like I'll be heading up to Michigan for their TCC, and the following week work with Kevin Bingham for a week. Looking forward to the road trip!!! Going to be great working with Kevin(inventor of the rope wrench btw). He's an awesome guy and has some great climbing skills. Leave here next Friday. Stopping in Indianapolis on the way up to stop in on TreeStuff and pick up a few things. Can't wait! First solo road trip!