How'd it go today?

Even when I was younger, there were several to choose from; You had the Metro in Palmer, the Mohawk in Gardner, there was one in Lunenburg, and Mendon, and the one we went to tonight, in Leicester- the one with three screens. Now, I think only Mendon and Leicester are left. :(

I'd rather the drive-ins than a theater; you can bring what you want, move around some, and you're not stuffed into a seat next to someone you don't know.
Not in ages, but I do remember those. You tune in an FM station on your car radio.
Hey Stig, travel plans are going good. I ended up moving in with friends instead of going on the trip and it's turned out well I believe. It got me more involved in our business which is something I've wanted for awhile. I've been planning some mini road trips(about a week or two at a time) and those start mid august, starting with the Michigan TCC hopefully.

As far as overseas goes, I'm working on saving the money, and we'll see where I'm at come November. I'm really trying to make it over there. If all goes as planned, I'll have enough cash to go. Hopefully we don't get pulled onto a big job come November, so unless that happened I plan on making it over.

And I'm not spoiled all the time, lol. Ran a skid steer last week, no A/C, and cab door was broken, so it was held shut with a bungee cord. These were 100+ degree F days too.
We had three drive-ins...all flea markets now.

The crowd loved the band tonight; got paid before we started and we are invited back for more shows in the future. Dance floor was constantly hopping...that's a bit out of the ordinary for bluegrass. Any time we took off on a two-step the whole place was up dancing.

I didn't have to help unload sound equipment so left for home straight after the show. 2 1/2 hours through thick fog and I'm home. Whew...glad I made it. If I had known it would be that bad I'd have stayed up there over night.
There used to be 4 drive ins all named for the owners daughters .

The screen from one of them is now the roof on a building across from where I used to live .
We still have a couple around here. One has 3 screens. We got reprimanded for watching a different screen during intermission. We hunted around and found the sound on the radio. The "Popcorn Police" thought that was a crime.
Maintenance day, it's been flat out this last couple of weeks. Worked on a few saws and the chipper. Did the washing and some cooking so I've got something when I get home tomorrow.

Drive ins I used to love them, looks like we still have two going.

I liked the old ones when I worked out west, too hot to be in a car so you just took a chair and a few beers and sat beside your car.8)

About the movie sound coming over the radio....

I had my car break down on the freeway once at night near Novato, California, kind of in the boonies, and the only place around to call a tow truck was a drive in movie that was staying in business by exclusively showing porn. The person manning the entrance kindly let me in to use a pay phone. For whatever reason, the sound from the movie also came in over the phone. I called the triple A dispatcher, and all the while I was talking with her, there was a bunch of love making groaning and sighs coming over the line. I quickly explained where i was, and we got a good laugh out of it. Still a bit embarrassing though. A strange xxxperince that I never forgot. :roll:
I think about the time drive in restaurants started to wane in popularity was about the same time the movies declined .Other things such as rental movies make their comeback not likley to happen .

Sure was a lot of fun as a teenager .6 pack of bootlegged beer and some cutie to swap spit with .What more could a young man want ?
Hell yeah. :lol:

Supposedly, drive-ins are making a slow comeback; according to the manager I spoke to. I like to bring some stuff, but I also make a point to spend a few bucks on the concessions, because I know that's where they really make their money.
After their ultiment demise some of the empty lots found interesting uses .Flea markets ,drive in churchs even salvage yards .

One locally the Spring Brook is now a high end residential area .The occupants have paid between 4 and 500 thousand bucks to have a house on land they basically lease .On top of that they pay a monthy fee .I think they're crazy myself .Lots of dollars but no sense .
I think it'd be cool to open one up here, but it sure does get hot in summer. Maybe some of those big assed commercial fans? To move the air around? I wish I had a chunk of money to invest!!!
I know the old Metro is now houses; the Mohawk is still an empty lot, but IIRC it's for sale. No doubt some developer will scoop it up and build the hell out of it. Or maybe not; it's right next to the airport.
I think it was in Virginia where they actually rented portable air conditioners you could hook your car up to .

Damned hot in the summer ,Norfolk .My ex who had no shame would set around in her bra and panties and embarrass the hell out of me .Damn though she sure looked cute .;)
Probabley that too .However a guy I work with has one of those and paid cash for house .He's so tight you couldn't pound a fax seed up his butt with a ball peen hammer .
I wonder how safe (and good/bad on the motor) it would be to keep your car running during the entire movie, with the AC going? I went to a movie once with my brother and he accidently left the car running during the entire time. We emerged from the theater to a running vehicle with the AC going, no problemo. I ragged on him for a week after that, LOL!