I'm with Tom on this one, a horse accepting your good intentions one minute, then letting you have it royally the next one. I led Shammy through a gate to feast on soft new grass, and when I went behind her to close it, she nailed me. A few inches to the left and it could have been quite serious, still it laid me out. When I sort of got my senses back and picked myself up, there she was nibbling on the grass. I know, horses are skitterish and you are supposed to walk behind them a certain way yada yada yada..... I had ridden her about everyday at lunch and sometimes after work too, for a number of months, I thought we were friends.
Maybe she was lonely out there in the big old field by herself, but I never got that vibe. She looked pretty content, working on the theory of relativity or something. Come to think of it though, she had become quite fat and out of shape, isn't that often a characteristic of loneliness? Poor ol' gal. Those leg reflexes are quick, no chance to see it coming.