Good Morning!

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I hope your uncle is alright, Skwishey. He doesn't impress me as the type that calls in sick very often. ;)

Brendon, good call on walking from the nightmare job. It took me much longer than you to learn that lesson. I was still doing those horrible types of jobs well into my 30s. And the worst part was that I almost always underbid them as well. :cry:
Nothing says a good morning like being able to stop in at the diner downtown, grab a coffee, shoot the breeze at said diner, run a call down the street from the diner, and now I'm back home working on paperwork, getting ready for a quick shower(I had to work on some nasty asphalt). From here, I'll head for a bank, do some PR stuff, and head for the office.
Wow, times are getting tight! I did one small job this past week and only 2 the previous week. I have an oak tree trim/ reduction for Monday morning and I just bid on a small removal for a local nursury/ landscaper an hour ago, hopefully that will come through.

The people still collecting a full paycheck every week will probably start spending again soon, I hope. Looks like the great ride of the last 5-10 years is over. The plentiful money supply has dried up. Did you all know that the 1920s were among the most prosperous years in American history? Just as the last 10 years have been very prosperous. :(
Raining here this morning, spoiled my plans. I have to bolt in my chip box sometime today so I can do a few jobs this week. Hopefully later I can pick up a long awaited (over 70 days) check from a commercial job :roll:. Like skwerl, things have slowed down a bit, I was hoping to get a few of the jobs I bid last week, nothing yet. I did get 2 calls yesterday though, maybe something will make of them.

I do have to start looking for a winter job though, can't let the winter depression get me this year like last. I'm hoping to take a ride down to visit Carl this winter, trying to evaluate driving or flying.
Gee it's still o-dark -thirty out and I'm wide awake .

Actually the economy has slown in every area .I myself went from an average of 70 hours per week to 40 .Still not bad money but it used to be double what I bring home now . My feeling is it will turn around in the first quarter of next year .Until then people are going to sit tight on the money they spent .

Historically every boom period is followed by a decline .The recent declines can be directly related to the price of gasoline .That may sound silly but is in fact the truth . My felling is that if and I do say if the gasoline stabilized at around 3 -3.25 things would turn around . If it continues to increase the economy will further decline .My wish of course is for the former not the later .
Speaking of fuel prices, I have been checking into a plane flight and it is still very low to fly.
I was thinking that plane flights would jump up to more realistic prices, but I guess not.
Thats good news, right?

Morning all!
Speaking of fuel prices, I have been checking into a plane flight and it is still very low to fly.
I was thinking that plane flights would jump up to more realistic prices, but I guess not.
Thats good news, right?

Morning all!

Morning Frans. One thing that has changed with the airlines is that now, unless the plane is full enough to be profitable, they cancel the flight. Used to be they ran it anyway.
Morning Frans. One thing that has changed with the airlines is that now, unless the plane is full enough to be profitable, they cancel the flight. Used to be they ran it anyway.
Ha I remember catching the red eye flight out of Atlanta .Just me in my cracker Jack suit and 4 soldiers that got off at Charelston S C .Then it was just me a 4 stewardesses from there to Norfolk on a 707 .
Al takes off in economy and lands seated in first class all by himself. He must have impressed the cabin attendants with something other than his knowledge of chainsaws?
Good morning everyone! It looks like my day may be cut short, we're finally (around noon) gonna get some rain. It's muggy outside! Bleagh!
Morning MB, I start a rather large job today trimming a bunch of trees at an apartment complex and one guy has a doctors appointment and the other hurt his leg playing soccer on Sunday. Just me and the goofy contract climber guy.
I have a crane to meet, but no idea what the job is. An adventure, so to speak.

I find that not knowing what the job is, is difficult. Never know what to tool up for, and who will be working the ground.

The loneliest feeling overcomes me when I am on a tricky removal, unknown groundies, and a chipper blaring away making communication impossible.
did you tell your wife all the details of that flight Al? :lol: It boggles the mind what must have been happening on that flight
Oh nothing happened I was just kinda taken it all in :|:.That was in a former life with a former wife .

Today it seems I'm once again up to my azz in alligators ,so to speak .Repairing the brakes on my old '77 F-250 . Nothing like trying to repair something that is over 30 years old which you can't find parts for .I'll get it though,I always do some how .
Dragging my feet on finishing up 2 XL crabapples today. Lotsa rain and the trees will be slippery as hell.
I ordered a new pump and adaptor for the super splitter .My original idea was somewhat lacking in design . Not a big deal as it normally takes me several attempts to get things exactly like I want them anyway .Something about the best laid plans of mice and men :roll:

I have about a cord -cord and a half of wood to move and stack using the old '77 F-250 .I don't want to beat up the new to me little Ranger .It no doubt will be at some time ,just don't want to hasten up the process any more than need be .
Didja punch a hole in the floorboard of the F250 for 'brakes', Al ? LOL I hear ya on wanting to hold off on beating up the newer truck. I babied mine until a deer kamikazied itself into the side panel. After that I don't worry about keepin' it purdy.
Root pruning today for $60 + 2 estimates. Barely keeping my head above water compared to last October, but I'm not gonna panic. Yet.
Didja punch a hole in the floorboard of the F250 for 'brakes', Al ? LOL
No but I do have a big boat anchor to toss out the window if I get in a bind .;) I repaired the rusted out floor board years ago .That damned thing would drown me in water after a rain ,not good .

Ye olde Ford would stop ,that wasn't the problem .It would bleed down and blow brake fluid .The problem was a faulty proportioning valve in the brake system . Not a big deal but I was constaintly having to add fluid to it ,a nuisance .

The old truck does pretty good considering 256, 000 miles on the original engine .It sometimes runs on all 6 cylinders or on 5 depending on it's mood at the time .
The old truck does pretty good considering 256, 000 miles on the original engine.

The auto industry does not want us to continue to use older vehicles. They want us to continue to buy the newest vehicles and get rid of them quickly.

Like Al, I prefer to continue to keep my older rigs on the road and maintain them. It is far more environmentally responsible to do that, then to treat a vehicle like a disposable commodity; use it for two years and buy another.
About the only thing that I can see that you can use everyday for a very long time and it doesn't depreciate, or may even appreciate in value, (excluding land), is high quality furniture.

I can export :)