Good Morning!

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Those Huskys use a lot of bar oil (way more than Stihls). ;):P I figure 10 gallons will last me 4-5 months or so. I don't like shopping so I'd just as soon buy a bunch at one time. It won't go to waste!

I picked up a dozen(5.17) compared to Stihl at 13 a gallon
bc hydro = provincial power authority. hydro drop is likely a residential electric service line remove and replace order with the power company. No charge, just book the drop in advance and call the lineman in the truck when you are done and he comes back and hooks'er back up.

bc hydro = provincial power authority. hydro drop is likely a residential electric service line remove and replace order with the power company. No charge, just book the drop in advance and call the lineman in the truck when you are done and he comes back and hooks'er back up. :)

I could have said that.;)
A "line drop" or "service line disconnect" simply requires a phone call at least 48 hrs in advance. We also can arrange for cutbacks or topping by the electric utility tree service contractor to get the 10 foot clearance for a removal, but that takes some more advance notice and they don't usually do clean-up.
My skwerl is letting me get closer than ever without running away. I even had the door open slightly and was talking to it so it could start getting used to my voice. :)
One of my costomers once told me about an arborist in NJ where he grew up had a pet squirl that came to job...rode on his shoulder mostly...used his shirt pocket as well
Brian, I didn't know you had a 'soft' side. Good to see. ;)

My dad feeds the chipmunks at home....has over a dozen running all over the place. Until the hawk visits, that is.
Until the hawk visits, that is.

We get calls about that all the time.
Concerned citizen:"what are you gonna do about the Hawks?"

Me: "whuddya mean"

Concerned citizen "I just saw one kill a skwerl in front of a bunch of third graders on a field trip"

Me: "o.k., I'll send a Park Ranger out to tell them to stop"

Concerned citizen: "Great, thank you.....wait, um.... are you serious?"

Me: "Yes ma'am, we take these call very seriously"

Concerned citizen: "ok, thank you....."

Skwerl: I even had the door open slightly and was talking to it .

Now theres a scary image, The big bad Skwerl having an in depth conversation with a rodent. :)
Mornin' everyone. My uncle in Virginia set up an obstacle course for the skwerls. In the coast range where I used to work on the cattle ranches I never remember seeing grey squirrels except for one rancher that brought a couple over from the Sierras. Plenty of ground squirrels.
We get calls about that all the time.
Concerned citizen:"what are you gonna do about the Hawks?"

Me: "whuddya mean"

Concerned citizen "I just saw one kill a skwerl in front of a bunch of third graders on a field trip"

Me: "o.k., I'll send a Park Ranger out to tell them to stop"

Concerned citizen: "Great, thank you.....wait, um.... are you serious?"

Me: "Yes ma'am, we take these call very seriously"

Concerned citizen: "ok, thank you....."


:lol: :lol: :lol:
Until the hawk visits, that is.
--Speaking of which we have a resident red tail which is the largest one I've ever seen .

It is comical when he gives chase and the fox squirrel jumps into a pine tree.The old hawk waddles around on the ground rather disgusted because he knows he cannot feret out a squirrel from a dense pine . Mean while the squirrel chatters away at the hawk as if to say pizz on you buddy .:lol:

I've laughed so hard at their antics I nearly soiled my BVD s.
I might take the day off today. I could, seven days straight and I'm feeling a little bagged. Also I'm booked straight through this weekend already. I think I'm gonna take the rest.
meh, barely worked the last month or so, mostly by choice... tomorrow is a day of pruning in an overgrown yard, I betcha I am beat tomorrow evening... :)
Was it actually struck by lightning B? We usually get a few storm calls that come in as "struck buy lightning", 99 out of 100 times they weren't struck by lightning.:?

Today I am meeting with a dude from Germany who fancies hisself an Elm Tree expert. We have lots of big elms in our parks here, and spend tons of money maintaining 'em. Of course every "elm expert" in the world likes to weigh in on what we should be doing to maintain them. I can't wait to see the look on his face when I tell him I'm not a big fan of american elms...;)

his website [email protected]