Good Morning!

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So what's up this morning? I'm packing my bags and getting ready to head out of town for the weekend, before I fly out on Sunday to ole Uncle Al's neck of the woods. :P

Yes... I'm in class next week, and in a week and a half after I get out of this one, I go back again. :roll:
Well today feels like a holiday as I have to wait around this morning to get the call on my new pto and then a whole lotta driving and wrenching to hopefully get things up and rolling for tomorrow. 8)

And I'm still fighting that damn cold, the fact that we had frost here this morning probably isn't helping either!

Do you have something to help you lift the transmission up into place Squisher?
my day to relax, the canoe is on the truck and I am heading for the HOOCH - 6 hours on the river on a cloudy sunless day with 60 % chance of rain,

Do you have something to help you lift the transmission up into place Squisher?

Steve I lowered it with just a hydraulic floor jack, but to go back in I'm gonna borrow my buddy's motorcycle jack. It's fairly small and has some adjustable doo dads which will help hold the tranny, I hope.
sounds ideal, dont hesitate to ask for help, big ones are easier to line up but its still hard for 1 guy
i love it when my boy wakes up happy. i just heard him babbling in the other room, when i walk in he smiled:D
I got a late call last night, so I'm working today. Looks like we may have rain moving in though. If we don't get it done, there's always tomorrow. :)
I've been getting these jobs that are gonna take 2 hours lately, trim a couple branches, yada yada. I am trying to line a few up in one day instead of making special trips. It's a real PITA honestly. But 4 $250 jobs is a $1000 so whatever.

With that said I am home today :). Looks crappy out weather wise anyways:X.
Anybody working this Memorial Day? I'm pretty sure I am, I'm waiting to hear if they got a crane or not. For now I need to get my breakfast omlette going!
no work for me. just some things around the house to do this morning. then the rest will be lazy day.
Lazy day here as well. :)

I just got back from Mickey D's with 2 sausage egg mcmuffins. It's the only thing I'll eat from there but they are soooooo goooooooooood.

Why do the fast food places always stick the flamer on the register to interact with customers? I don't want to interact with that chit before breakfast. :what:
I don't waste my time worrying over stuff like that.

And you just sucked down 55 grams of fat. You're allowed 11 more for a 2000 cal daily intake.

I'd be more concerned about that.
I don't count calories or fat grams. Life is too short as it is. :)

And yes, you can call me a homophobe if you like. I don't want to deal with them and I certainly don't want one of them cupping my hand as he gives me my change. :what:
Most of the time homos are amusing to me. The rest of the time I just don't even notice them.

And you can ignore your saturated fat intake all you want, but it ain't gonna ignore you.
Haha, you guys are brutal.

I don't like it when gay males take it to the extreme with there flamboyancy (is that even a word?). It's usually the younger ones who do so. Some of the nicest people I've met have been gay, it don't really matter I guess, long as there not throwing it on me.

As far as McDonalds, the only thing I'll eat from there is there hot fudge Sundays, a couple at a time...:D