Good Morning!

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Cool! Hope you get to...playing with others is a better experience.

Well I finished all the laundry I built up over the week and no change,phones, etc. left in the bottom of the's a good day so far:lol:
Had a crazy morning so far. I went to town for a haircut and some supplies and come around a bend in the road and traffic is backed up a fair bit. Well I get to looking and a road rage event is unfolding. A older guy had stopped his car and was out of it kicking the hell out of the car behind him. So you know me, I snapped! Bypassed all the traffic and pulled right up on the scene, told the old fool to get the f-ck back in his car and act his age. He looked at me with rage in his eyes and cussed me out as he made his way back to his car. The guy who was getting his car beat up on was in a newer Chevy commuter and dressed in a suit and tie. He just had both hands on the wheel and his windows rolled up.

If you're going to act the fool on the roadways and want to do some stupid sh-t, don't hold me up while you're doing it. Frig, what happened to the days of blasting the horn and flipping the bird and rolling on?
The guy was just frothing at the mouth. Spit flying, kicking the fender and drivers door to beat the band. There was no accident or nothing involved, everyone drove off. I wonder what someone could possibly do to you on the roadway to elicit that response? The victim car was dented to shit from the kicking that's for sure. Obviously something loose upstairs, when the old guy was cussing me out he repeatedly called me crazy? I was just like wtf man we are just trying to get to where we're going? I was pretty damn calm for getting swore at, but I had no real desire to thump anyone out over, nothing.
I’m guessing you’re a pretty big guy and young as well so for the old fella discretion was the better part of valour.

But you never know what these guys are capable of.

There was an incident in the UK a while back, wellknown hard man and gangster had a roadrage incident, got out and confronted a youngster, who turned out to be a martial arts exponent, gave the gangster an unexpected kicking.

The gangster went back to his car, got a knife and put it in the kid.

See if I can find a link...
I carry a knife on my side(belt) at all times pretty much. Just a simple buck folder and certainly no intention of using it for violence but sometimes having it there in plain sight helps to reach the more level headed parts of a persons mind. I was kind of surprised that no one else had put an end to it before myself, had to be close to 20 cars deep by the time I pulled up. I decided to pull up because I saw the violence happening to the vehicle and my first thought was that someone was getting victimized, possibly a woman or family or an elderly person? So I squeezed past everyone on the shoulder to see what was what. I was somewhat surprised to see that the fellow who was firmly planted in his car was a youngerish guy, soft looking for sure though. I don't know how to explain it but for better or worse when situations arise I act. Probably was foolish, but I haven't landed myself in a world of hurt yet. I did have the split second where I thought the older fellow was going to turn on me, I felt the rush of adrenaline readying myself for it.
Not out of the realm of possibility for someone to have a gun. But I guarantee if that old lit bugger had one he'd have been filling that car or the driver with holes before me. I've been chuckling all day every time I think of it. He was losing his shit lol.
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Interrupting a road ethics instructor in the middle of his lecture was in bad taste squish.

The kicking etc. you observed is simply instruction with gusto, in hope of the student remembering the lesson...;)
I'm all for giving lessons on the motorway but let's keep it non-violent. And not obstruct others while doing so.

I hear about stuff like that in the bigger cities was just shocking to see it happening around here. Who knows, with cell phones and dash cams I'll be looking to see if it makes it on the local news blurbs. Seems more and more common now of someone 'reporting' getting passed dangerously or things like that. People need to realize there is no privacy in public anymore.
If i was that guy i at least would have gotten his plates and turned him in for damaging my car. We had a dipshit the other day drive over a bunch of road cones and then drive over our pipe that we were about to pull in (bore shot). He stopped the dually truck, started screaming at us not to block his driveway and put the damn pipe in the ground, and he would be back in a few minutes to drive over it again, multiple times, with his tractor. I simply called the foreman, his boss was on site so he came over, and then the cops. Since he didn't threaten us personally, the boss was very nice and didn't press charges, but the dipshit in question sure wasn't so tough looking at possibly being charged for the damage and delay. The boss is a bunch nicer than me, i would have charged him with the over 10 k in lost production, and prosecuted him on whatever utility construction laws i could (believe it or not, utility construction has it's own laws on damaging them, with much stiffer penalties). I then would have parked every piece of equipment on the right of way in his damn yard lol.
I'm pretty sure that guy(the victim) went straight to the cops. He headed in that direction atleast and oddly enough the cop shop was only like three blocks away.
Helped an elderly customer from years ago who had fallen off the curb, into the bike lane of a busy street. He was going to cross, and somehow fell due to missing the curb.

Maybe too old to drive.

Saw him a couple years ago at a park playground. He had a little dog, 15-20 pounder, who he swung in a baby swing.
Woke up this morning to cop cars parked in front of my house. The Mexicans across the street had an enclosed trailer full of tools stolen last night. My security camera showed a truck slowing and stopping in front of the house about 2:45am but it doesn't show much more than just the wheels. So I've been knocking on doors and asking the neighbors if anybody else has security footage that might show the vehicle. No luck so far but I'll keep trying. The cops didn't do anything much more than fill out paperwork.

I may not interact much with the Mexicans across the street but frig a thief, and this is too close to home. I will do whatever I can to help ID the bastards.
We share that experience and opinion, Butch.

Good on you, Brian. What comes around goes around.. you help look out for them and they will do the same for you. Plus, they are really fun people to share food and music with, the women are beautiful and tireless, the men magnificent workers.

A fellow could do far worse than have Mexican emigrants for neighbors. I have :).

Even a Trumpeter could do worse :P;).
Chillin this morning. Been a long week. The boys will be back from camp today some time. We'll be off to Lilly's dance recital shortly. Felt good to have a lazy morning. Tomorrow will be chipper blades, anvil, poultry meetings and possibly start cutting the exhaust apart on the 4x4 that decided to get a clogged Cat on the way to work with Deva.
Of course the probably illegal grow next door leads to want to do some target practice on my back yard range to remind those that tend to it that we don't call 911 here ;)
Nice breakfast in town, truck license renewed at SoS, back taxes paid at county seat, tank filled with gas...So much for this month's wages at the golf course, but it's been a great morning otherwise...might have something to do with me cruising sparsely populated country roads & jamming to some tunes all morning:/::)