Craigslist thread

Be sure to ask if it could be one of those deals where the previous owner will stick around for a few weeks and show you how to use everything. :lol:
I could use a small wimpy chipper, something I could tow with my 1/4 ton and and make the leaves disappear with. I wonder what he would take for it?

Hey man, watch it with the chipper insults! I am pretty sure that I have that same chipper but with a bigger V8 engine. I love that damn thing and I wouldnt sell ours for less than $5k

That's a damn nice cedar!

If I were to buy it could we store it at your place until I can truck it home. I've got some big sticks on the board with some good money about to come in. I seem to think I can out half the money down, cash, then just talk to my bank and see if I can term out the rest.
I'll front ya for what you cannot handle right now. I bet it will make some really nice somethin or others.
For a buck you could build a raft out of that tree and sail the world. Book sales would probably recoup your investment plus some.
That's not so unusual. People have no idea that the value of their wood is far less than the value of the work it takes to remove the tree.

Naive is all.
Somewhere there is somebody who would jump on that. Not a tree service for sure, but some firewood hick that has no skillset to safely cut them down. They'll come in, get the trees down, (somehow without incident) and be happy as a pig in shit.
I would tend to agree, if we didn't have a major Turpentine beetle problem here in nearly all the Black pines and pitch pines as well. I see this at least weekly.
When people ask if they can have a credit for me taking the wood, I tell them that wood to me is like snow to an eskimo. I make my living with it, its everywhere, there's more available to me than I could ever use or want, plus its heavy to more place to place. I don't want their wood. They usually chuckle and say that they understand that I have to charge them for the work to remove and dispose of it or process it (unless its madrone, which keeps my house during the like the Bahamas, or maybe if there are mill logs, but there so seldom are).

People amaze me every day. This guy's been to the coffee shop, "I am told that each one is worth over $2500.00 !!"

Second on the list of removals around here, just after cocas palms.

People do mix them up with Bangalow palms but last time I checked you could get a Bangalow that size delivered for less than $100.