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  1. littlenick

    How'd it go today?

    Here are a few pictures, not the greatest. Mark, Scott (works at bryan equipment aka stihl, went to the same high school as me), me
  2. littlenick

    How'd it go today?

    Sure thing
  3. littlenick

    How'd it go today?

    I was talkin it up at the Stihl booth today;)
  4. littlenick

    How'd it go today?

    Had a real nice day at the Ohio Tree Care Conference. I spent the day with Mark Chisholm, learned a ton of new stuff, he evened mentioned Gerry Beranek a few times. Mark is a real nice guy and he is really into making sure that you understand and learn what hes talking about. Ill get some...
  5. littlenick

    How'd it go today?

    Well yesterday afternoon i got something in my eye and i was a dumby and rubbed the heck out of it and i ended up scratching my eye. So after about 24 hours it is feeling a lot better. Im starting to pack up now for the Ohio ISA Conference in columbus, ohio. I will be gone monday and...
  6. littlenick

    How'd it go today?

    Carl thats a pretty sweet picture, looks like your having a blast on the new toy... i mean peice of equipment...haha
  7. littlenick

    How'd it go today?

    Well i just signed up for the Ohio ISA tree care conferance in febuary, im going to go up with my pops. Should be a good time they have different workshops. I picked the one with stihls climber, its 2 days, about 7 hours of classes. Its mainly about climbing and riging in the tree. Should be...
  8. littlenick

    How'd it go today?

    haha yep! just a few bags from Home depot, should only take a few hours
  9. littlenick

    How'd it go today?

    Hmmm... Very true i never really thought about that, thanks for the heads up! Thanks Butch!
  10. littlenick

    How'd it go today?

    Well i broke down and bought the BMG, I figured i would never really find another used one around here and it was a pretty good price. I tried it out on a small bolder, weighed about 300ish pounds.
  11. littlenick

    How'd it go today?

    Yea over on AS he told me that i should stick around AS more often... Thats not gonna happen, I cant stand over 70% of the people over there, everyone is just so negitive... I'll stick with the tree house...
  12. littlenick

    How'd it go today?

    Netree, i like your new rimes on the front, very stylish!
  13. littlenick

    How'd it go today?

    ^ Looks good! I have to say, that is the first F-650 (or F-750) Chip truck i have seen, i love the color combo! Well i met another tree guy today, he owns a small tree company in cincinnati (his name is treevet over on Arborist site). He has a BMG for sale, it is in pretty good shape. I just...
  14. littlenick

    How'd it go today?

    Well thanks for the input guys, ill have to take a look at it.
  15. littlenick

    How'd it go today?

    Is it too hard to set up something like that?
  16. littlenick

    How'd it go today?

    Huh well you learn something new everyday, well that will be a pain in the but to do. Thanks Skwerl!
  17. littlenick

    How'd it go today?

    Well i bought a new battery for my dump trailer a few weeks ago and i have only dumped with it around 5-10 times and the battery is now dead... WTH? The trailer has been kept inside, so it hasnt been kept in the cold other when i am out using it. I went and picked up a load of gravel and it...
  18. littlenick

    How'd it go today?

    I hope you guys all have a great Christmas!
  19. littlenick

    How'd it go today?

    I wish your dad and your family the best of luck and hope you have a great Christmas! I'm sure he will pull through fine!
  20. littlenick

    How'd it go today?

    No not wide open but if I had to drop money on a new one I would rather drop a few hundred more to get some more power out of it. I came home today and my dad bought some supplies at work and the company had a deal if you ordered so much you get a iPad with it so he got one. I'm messing around...