What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

  • Thread starter Rborist1
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It's another cloudless, sunny day in Arizona, where it is currently 110 degrees and climbing! Sheesh. Thank goodness for central A/C! It's nice and cool in my apartment but, as soon as I walk outside, I feel like I'm inside of a charcoal grill! Even in the shade it's incredibly hot.

All of the little lizards that inhabit our property have mass migrated to my favorite eucalyptus tree in the courtyard! I was just watching them all scuttle around the stem and join their buddies who are already relaxing up in the branches amongst the foliage. They're cute and they do this interesting motion where they stand in place and repeatedly do the lizard equivalent of pushups, over and over again. I'm not sure why they do that, but it might help keep them cool.

I've spent a few hours photographing them with my 75-300mm telephoto lens. They are very camouflaged and appear to be much more social creatures than I had previous thought. Wherever there is one, there's always at least one more a few feet nearby and they often like to meet up together and...chat? I have no idea what they're doing, but I had always believed lizards roamed solo. I was very mistaken.

Well, at least as far as these little guys are concerned. I know larger lizards are very solitary.

Can't wait to get back to MA where the biodiversity and the wildlife is much more interesting to photograph; especially the birds!
Kiln dried fuggen stone hard oak mixed with 2 years of new brush growth. Mixed with barb wire fence. Mixed with rocks and bolders.
So you slash your way in to clear your ground. Brush cutters, loppers and chainsaws. Keep fire suppression kit close by. Cut sections of fence you can find. Some tacked to trees or trees have eaten. Pull barb wire and field fence out with whatever kit you can. See rocks and bolders. Then drop blackened crispy trees (oaks) into what you cleared to pull out the branches and wood by hand or kit. Chip the 4" minus. Reclaim the fire wood to process.
No. Thank the gods. So far, just a small section down to the creek draw and then follow a fence line down to his driveway. Then leaners over drive. Then I have some scorched cedar and sequoia to prune. Saving the easy for last on monthly visits. I can only about handle 4 hours of this shat in these 100 plus temps. Long haul to the chipp that is parked in the shade under two trees I pruned right after the fire two years ago.
HO was impressed enough with the two days work, he is jumping his budget double this month and we go back next week.