What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

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Cloudy today. High of 76, low of 67 with 85% average humidity (humidity higher than the last week; temps lower); but that's only because we're getting rain tonight and into the next two days. Thunder showers, which are pretty commonplace in Massachusetts as we're right on the ocean.

Now that the heat wave has subsided, I'm really enjoying the weather in MA much more than the summers in Arizona. It would be a high of 109 today in Scottsdale, AZ and getting hotter throughout the next week. Pretty soon Fall will be here and I'll be able to go out and climb anytime I want with light clothing on and some bug spray of course.

Them skeeters love the woods that I must travel to in order to make new content and rec climb. So I have to mist myself with DEET or whatever else; and wear long sleeve shirts/long pants haha Better than getting a blood borne pathogen. Helps deter the ticks a bit, too.

I never climb with shorts on. Would hate to lose my footing and grind my lower legs into the bark of a tree or get eaten alive by skeeters. Tree climbing should be a "pants only" endeavor in my humble opinion.
No real work should be done in shorts. Dunno if it happens in treework, but I'd send someone home if they showed up in shorts. It definitely happens in surveying, and I'd do the same.
Tell that to the guys who built the pyramids.
They where in their underwear, subtle but distinct difference there. Lots of real work has been done by men in skivvies...

Also, both the Rhodesian Army and the Aussies have gone to war with shorts as part of their BDUs. Lots of pics of the allies in shorts, blasting the hell out of the japs.

That said, I wear proper pants and big boy boots, period. Shorts and tennis shoes are loungeware.
You aren't allowed on my construction jobs without long pants. Otherwise, there isn't enough time for pussyfooting around obstructions cause you're unprepared. I've spilled much blood over the years while armored up. With shorts, I'd have probably bled to death.
You aren't allowed on my construction jobs without long pants. Otherwise, there isn't enough time for pussyfooting around obstructions cause you're unprepared. I've spilled much blood over the years while armored up. With shorts, I'd have probably bled to death.
Landscape down here is open…where there’s trees anyway. In the mountains where there are not trees, the brush is impenetrable
Not so hot today. I think it was about 80°, but it was miserably humid. Also, spider season is starting. I've noticed a definite uptick of webs in my face. I hate spider season. They always go in the walkway from my house, and I never remember to clear a path first. Nothing gets the old mood right in the morning like spider web in your face on the way to work...
Hot today, especially so welding up a bunch of condensate lines in a trench. Looking forward to doing another one in between 2 live uninsulated lines as the heat index goes back up to 105, both pipes will be around 400 degrees, it'll likely be leaking water the entire time, and I'll probably be in leathers again. Good times :lol: