What Did Ya'll Have For Dinner Tonight?

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Went to the German place with my mother again. I always get currywurst, but also got goulash this time. I was starving when I got there. Got a big ass beer as usual too. Paulaner Salvator. Really malty.
Ahh, John, now your speaking my language. The Paulaner Salvator Doppelbock is up pretty high on my favorite list. Hope you enjoyed it! :drink:
Yea, the beer was great. I'm *not* a beer geek, but I like all kinds of beers. Wheat beers are somewhat disagreeable. I don't get on well with the bubblegum flavor. I tend to stick with what I know for the most part. Been burned too many times buying overpriced mediocre craft beers. My goto is Guinness, and I'll usually get a Sam Adams seasonal sampler in the cool months, though the fall sampler this year was disappointing. Yuengling is my goto when I'm not sure what I want, and want to save a couple bucks. Overhyped beer, but imo, it's the best mass market beer on the shelf. I especially like the Chesterfield ale. It reminds my of the skunked German beers I used to get when young :^D Corona's good for that too. I only get that when eating Mexican, but I enjoy the skunked taste then.
I like IPAs, but I don't like the way they've become the "default" style. Pick something from any little brewery, and it'll probably be overhopped. Same with coffee. Get some random cup from a shop, and it'll be dark roasted. Dark coffee's fine, but not every damned time.

Love imperial stout, and stouts of all kinds :^)
Look to the porters, if you might like to try a slightly toned down stout.

We had soup/stew generated from left over pot roast and it's associated potatoes, carrots, and onions. Fresh cornbread topped it off.
Look to the porters, if you might like to try a slightly toned down stout.

We had soup/stew generated from left over pot roast and it's associated potatoes, carrots, and onions. Fresh cornbread topped it off.

I should like to get into the corn bread thing.
Never have made one.
Can you send me your recipe, please.
Who was the ho? :^P

Old standard of grilled cheese. Sourdough bread, extra sharp cheddar, and some cheap French onion soup.
I'll do that thing soon, Stig.
Stig, do y'all have an old school cast iron skillet, well seasoned? One can make cornbread without it, but it will not quite be the real deal, southern style. If not , you can sorta make do with an 8"x 8" metal, or ovenware glass or ceramic baking dish. You'll need to watch the time with those...the thin metal cooks faster. The glass or ceramic and the cast iron are closer timewise, but the cast iron takes a bit longer, generally. But you'll never get the true cornbread crust in anything but cast iron.

Turn on your oven to 400 degrees F. Put the cast iron skillet in to heat with the oven. Make sure you let it get fully up to temp.

1 & 1/2 cup cornmeal
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
2 tsp baking flour
1/4 tsp salt
1 egg, beaten
1/4 cup canola oil
1/4 cup honey
1 & 1/2 cup milk

Combine dry ingredients. Combine wet ingredients. Fold dry and wet together quickly, don't over mix. Pour into the hot greased skillet. If it doesn't sizzle some pouring in, you didn't get it hot enough :). Bake at 400 degrees F. for 20 minutes, or maybe a couple more.

Let it sit a minute, no more...serve as you would a slice of pie...at table, cut your slice horizontally, butter some, let it melt in, eat the god's own finest :).

Serving hot cornbread with any manner of stews or soups ladled over the top is a time honored southern US tradition, as well.
Thanks Burnham.
How will it work without the egg, it is kind of against my religion to eat those.