I can think of another close call we had some years back... I had a straight tree with a line set in it and had almost completed the back cut before the line was tied tot he skid steer.. if I had looked the tree over well I would have known I just needed a couple wedges, but the line was set and its almost an instinct to pull over with a machine at this point.. so the skid steer op jumped out of the machine and was tying on withing striking distance ... Just then a third crew member let out a loud whistle.. looking up the tree was starting to go without a pull. Machine op stood back, and the tree fell doing no harm, but it would easily have killed him if he had been struck.. That was way too close for comfort and I made up my mind then to never allow anything like that to happen again...
PS now I'll really let it go...
PS now I'll really let it go...