Tree felling vids

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We often used to drive up to two hours away for work, my grounds man was so nervous of my driving he’d bring sugary chewy sweets, which he’d dole out when I started to wander around a bit.

Sugar would just make me fall asleep faster. What works for me is protein, no carbohydrates. I'd start eating beef jerky about 30 minutes prior to the time I'd normally have trouble keeping my eyes open on a daily commute home from work. When I ate the jerky, the sinking spell just never happened; I was just awake and alert for the whole commute. Without the jerky, things would get a bit dangerous. Avoid breads, crackers, etc. Just meat with a bit of fat on it is ok, in my experience.

Sounds way more enjoyable and way safer.

I know a guy who woke up just before hit hit the bridge post on the highway. He was so hard on the brake pedal it shattered his ankle when he hit, from the force of the body behind it. Obviously, not all the damage to him.

I've dodged bullets that way, over the same girl, driving tired at night home from her house. Once I saw an elephant across the highway. F'ing DUM!!!!
Slight change of plans next week now. More Cathedral grove hazard trees been thrown into the mix for Tuesday. Then back upto Kennedy lake wed, thurs, fri. They've also offered to pay for a motel in Ucluelet, which is only a 40 drive from the the cliffside site. So, a week of big trees but much less of a commuting headache.

It's nice to see them treating you right, Reg, as well they should. That commute itself was a huge safety hazard, in my opinion. Good luck on the job, and I hope you can get some good rest in between days. Great video, as always. Thanks for sharing it.

That second one is why I yell at guys that hang around the stump. I’ll have to show them this video. Nice work

Hey, treebilly! Please forgive my ignorance, but what was it that you saw during that second felling that prompted you to post this? Was it the smaller tree that fell over and came back in the direction of the stump? Thanks in advance for any comments you care to make.

Chewing gum is a tested technique -- keeps your mouth busy & makes the mind more alert while driving. My healthier version of that is baby carrot sticks & celery hearts for a long overnight drive. You can crunch away for hours with little caloric intake.

But I keep a bottle of Jet Alert caffeine pills in my pack for long travel duties. I break them in half so they're 100mg of caffeine, more than a Coke and like a cup of coffee, without the liquid. Studies have shown that regular smaller doses of caffeine is more effective at keeping the mind alert over time without the crash after-effect. That's what I adhere to and it seems to be effective.
Yes the smaller one coming back to the stump is what caught my eye. My crew does pretty good about it but others don’t. I’ve been plowed over by a spruce that bounced back and I will never do it again nor do I wish to witness it. Hanging around to watch it fall is asking for trouble.
I agree. I've said the same many times over the years on here. Staying at the stump is a fools errand. Be aware, don't turn and run blind. But get outta dodge.
One of my former apprentices send me this, saying " Just how much time is it possible to spend futzing around with one tree"

It is pretty painful to watch.

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Borecutting is, of course, way overrated!

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" The tree sat down on my saw and would not let me pull it out while it fell."
Maybe cutting almost clear through the hinge on the compression side had something to do with that.

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Holy f-ck did that guy get lucky on the barber chair. I'll be honest. I didn't really watch the beech vid. To much pissing around.
It is amazing what people will put on Youtube.

That barberchair almost had him for breakfast.
It could have been avoided so easily.
I remember another one very much like it, where the tree was more rotten.

Probably getting to the age, where my memory is shot.
All the chemicals they are pumping me full of probably don't help either.

EDIT: I just searched for " Barberchair" and couldn't find the other one, so you are most likely right, my mind is failing.
A friend of mine had some trees taken down. Me, him and his brother got to do the fun part of cutting firewood out of them with our 455, 390, and my 2188 (you know who's was fastest :D). I would have taken them down, but suggested he see if he could find someone insured first because they are risky enough, especially the second one. $800 for the pair to just drop them, sound's like a good deal. They hope to mill 3 8ft logs from the oak. The hemlocks it hit are going to come down anyway.

10 minutes long FYI & 1080p

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Yea, that guy took a whole hour to sharpen his saw and set the rope in the oak. No kidding. But, I'm sure the homeowners will enjoy the video.

5:45, & 11:05 is where the action is (for those who skipped the video from little action). Chainsaw exercises at 8:40.