The Official Work Pictures Thread

Lame work, but my day in day out. Gum removal in BY, sat on my arse for four hours. Look at top of pic for my yellow A2B weight, pretty out there

This thread is so cool, great pics from Russia, western US Japan, Europe, Australia, East Coast, Central and Aus.

Must of missed some but :thumbup:

My thoughts exactly....most awesome tree workers around the globe on the house :thumbup:

Your crane rocks PC!
I really enjoyed that old school vid Jomo. Was that you flying?

As I'm sure you know at 20 mph winds you are supposed to evaluate the operation! OK we evaluated and decided to make money today��
Had a firewood cutting party today. This ROW was on park property and they were able to get the gas company to pay for all the wood to be cut up for the residents of the county. With four saws running I didn't have time to take a leak on the skid loader
Day went great. Got done early even. Was all happy that I would make it home early and hang out with the family. Then I blew the bottom radiator hose on the truck. As upset as it made me and as much as the tow bill is, I still love riding in this custom Peterbuilt
Here's the culprit
Made a phone call and the mech went to international only to find out they never updated their hours with their answering service. Got a guy waiting there when they open at 7 am to get the parts and put it back together.
Yeah PC, that was me many years ago, with a 120 ton crane, with a very good CO.

Funny, I'm bouts 100 yards from that huge lattice botanical bldg right now, in Balboa Park's Prado.

Natural History Museum Zoo etc.

Fun pictures!!

My Norfolks were in's a macrocarpa I had to climb and cut out broken branches, and a eucalyptus removal in Tassie...BSRT (before SRT!)


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A good friend had an oak leaning towards his office. He has decided to quit worrying about it by having me take it down. No before picts...he ran the ropes, natural crotch, wrap on a dogwood tree. He did well...architect, Scoutmaster, good common sense guy. Had to leave the top and trunk for next time...his brother in law's BMW is only half way in key to move it (reminds me of Andrey's predicaments). Perfect crane or bucket good TIP for the top.


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I've used the ole tandem floorjack trick to move a few cars outta the fuggin way!

Kinder than towing the fuggin things.

What's the plan for the top of that witch Gary? SRT off the roof? 8)



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What's the plan for the top of that witch Gary? SRT off the roof?

I think I am going to have to climb up there amongst the top and cut small enough I can manage the pieces. I'd like to hinge the top away from the office but I think the spar might buck me off the side when the top piece by piece I guess.
Nice cutting! Spalted is a good euphemism for rotting. You doing anything cool with the butt log? I know woodworkers go nuts for spalted stuff.
Rad pics, Fi.

Paul: You too man, those aren't "lame," that looked like a pretty cool job imho.

Rich: Dang that's some wood. Dangit on the truck.

Jomo: That looks like a super-cool vid, brother... I'm gonna watch it all the way out after I prune back the neighbor's Cypresses (Leyland) fer me wife.

Had this Fir-stick on the house today... the boss rented one of those monster forklifts that scope-out super far. Man, I love those stinkin things. Easy-peasy. Used Sean's (Ruel's) wrench to repel out of the stinkin bucket today. (The boss woulda loved that one Sean. :lol:)

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Sam!! That was a COOL stinkin, little vid. :rockon:
Nice quick video Sam. I liked how you trampled your exit path a couple times.
Dang Jed I don't think I would want to live out there where you're at. Seems like trees are attacking house on a regular basis.
What's the plan for the top of that witch Gary? SRT off the roof? 8)

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Are my eyes deceiving me Sam, or did you slap that tree over with some kinda crane?

That's a big no no using the rotator gear yu know. But using boom extension hydraulics to push with's cool.

Rotator gears are notorious weak n fragile, particularly in applications demanding leveled platforms.

Thanks guys!

Are my eyes deceiving me Sam, or did you slap that tree over with some kinda crane?

That's a big no no using the rotator gear yu know. But using boom extension hydraulics to push with's cool.

Rotator gears are notorious weak n fragile, particularly in applications demanding leveled platforms.


Couple hundred feet of 1/2" line and two redirects to the porty on a work truck yanked it over once the hinge was set. I wish I had a crane to play with! :lol:

Nice cutting! Spalted is a good euphemism for rotting. You doing anything cool with the butt log? I know woodworkers go nuts for spalted stuff.

I don't know that anything will ever come from it. Back to nature most likely. Someone might see about making some firewood out of it, just lying in a heap next to the access road right now. . .
Medium sized Leyland Cypress to remove today. Pretty easy day and climbing done in a few hours. Rigged most bits over neighbours gardens to minimise the clear up.




