Nice, guys, nice.
Rich, what method did you use to self-rig a Zipline? I do it time to time, and thought about it today, but didn't need to.
This tree's chips, along with those from the other oak...
Need to go all the way over there, to may accountant's house, who had had big surface roots causing her problems in one are, and generally needing mulch, all around.
"Chip Lasagna-Parbuckle-type way of unloading"
(Build up a sloping pile of chips in the bed, then layer tarps that lay at about 40 degrees on the natural angle of repose-slope. When you grab the top tarp corners, it rolls the chips out sorta like a parbuckle loads logs. Trick is to layer enough tarps.)
Definitely not as good as a dump, but better than plain old unloading. Took me an hour +/-.
I noticed a local outfit has one of these for sale
Something to consider. Easy to move to another application, rather than be committed to this truck. I'd get a locking box built onto it, for sure.
Dahlia chronically doesn't want to wear a jacket, but then we had to go in the refrigerated/ frozen aisle at the Food Co-op. Needed to stay warm.
Finished stripping and chipping a second oak, packing the box. My old, carburated chip truck didn't want to start in the 20-something temperature at the beginning of the week, so I took my F450. Funny, this is the least I've used the loader on a job. Since I'm working solo this week, a handful of hours at a time, while Dahlia is in school, I thought for sure I want the loader. Haven't really used it. More use out of the Arbor Trolley, that I didn't take initially. I found out the loader is a bit longer than I though. The tailgate didn't fit by inches, but the loader loaded up just fine. Nice to be able to back it up the ramps. The real chip truck is too short.
I couldn't watch the 30 y.o. son-in-law (welding engineer) continue to try to put oak rounds in his truck by lifting things that were out of his league, so I suggested he drive a mile down the road, buy a 2x8" for $4, and roll the rounds up into the truck on a ramp.
It was funny how I suggested he move the truck more while loading the small stuff, and he said he needed the exercise. I said I get too much exercise being as lazy as I can about work. I guess after lifting about 8 rounds of the main trunk, he didn't need as much exercise, especially as he was getting into the biggest wood, 30" on the stump.

I asked him if it was the best $4 he'd spent lately.