The Official Work Pictures Thread

Did yu limb it with a 200T Stephen?

Or something more manly?

I'da chewed on it with a 200 first meself.

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Couldn't start he chip truck this morning. Icy and an old carb, which I'll replace soon for about $500 plus labor, I think

I moved the chipper and loader to the F450, and basic climbing and rigging gear. Started this tree, solo at 1230. Climbed, limbed, almost all chipped, all bucked, picked up D at 530 from after school care.

Going to grow edible mushrooms on some wood. A waste... turning the rest into firewood.

My employee got called from the Union Hall. On the hunt again

You ever check around for a wild land fire fighter that might be laid off through winter or reduced hours Sean? I had a couple my first few years. Worked out good till I could find more a full time guy.
The applicants with wildland fire-fighting/ pre-commercial thinning experience (2, lately) were in prison. The Dept of Natural Resources runs "con-crews".
How did you connect with them, Stephen?

I think that the PNW arborist group on FB is a place to look.

I'm going to check in with Veteran Unemployment.
Ray, really difficult to get rid of the logs now. We pretty much either burn everything, or Deck them to burn in the future, or deck them to be forgotten.

The municipalities, line clearance and highway dept. (CalTrans) have hired large clean up crews to mulch it all for bio fuel. Still not an option for the little guys like us or homeowners. Some are hiring forestry mowers to grind them into the ground.
I got back out to the gold country to finish the 9 leftover dead pondies down the steep canyon and the weather was awesome!!!
And to think I get paid for this, I know right? :D

My groundie got to cut a path down and around every pine, he didnt complain though

Pounding wedges on 6 with back lean on the uphill side, all went were I wanted them to go...;)

Back pack with axe, wedges, bar oil, fuel, water, ect.
wore my leather Scarps boots, stiff shank, strung tight to keep my c-ankles from rolling..:/:


Man glitter with pondo vanilla scent, whats not to like...Oh, forgot chaps in truck..:|:




Lunch at the river again...polaris ranger is a lot of fun

Rivers are crazy full with pines under some deep waters


after lunch, workin our way out of the canyon after last pine with chaps :smilebox:

Sank a pine... LOL
Jeez Andrey... I would be fit to be tied about that car. You always find the weirdest stuff.

Nice work Scott. I don't do those slopes as well as I used to. I have to kind of just trudge them.