The Official Work Pictures Thread

That car has to make the target zone interesting.

Little bit, yeah... and I mean... I gunned the thing way, way to the right, but I guess the side-lean drifted er a bit too much. :|:

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Just jokin Gary... just a run o the mill mini-van buckin job resulting from our Seattle Sludge (Local name for our "snow.")

Jomo: What happened to yer hand, brother!??!!?

Willie: Gret story/explaination. Tell that gal what the heck are ya payin her for if ya can't get a little good editing out of her.

Andre: Thaks for the pics.

Funny remark from Burnham... the Rain Shadow is such a weird thing... 67" per annum here in the Snoqualmie valley.
The bandage exaggerated the bite Jed, which is dryin up n healin up nicely. There's somethin highly antiseptic bout direct sunlight IME.

Looks like you're a helluva lot busier than this ole has been mate!


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Perfect lay on that one Jed! Talk about a smash down. You get some interesting work my friend.
Some purty new chains there Willie, that looks like a glazed sour cream, my favorite.
I'm with Gary, that's a skinny one there in the second pic Andre, I might've had a little pucker factor going with that one. I've never worked in that kind of cold, does it make things a little more brittle?
Interesting stuff all.
Still playing with cottonweeds. After a few issues we finally got to try and salvage the day.
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Showing off my short bar on the 461 and a cottonweed that actually followed its notch. Also adding my ugly mug to the gallery. :|:
If ya run into her let me know cause I'm pretty sure my wife is really pissed off at me right now. Pretty sure I forgot to do something.
Yeah, I have laryngitis and my GF is pissed off I'm not talking to her and therefore something is horribly wromg and now it's my fault so therefore she is mad at me.
Ha! Bitchn view....

Rich! ...that mug...smh.

Smashed that piece Jed,love it man!

Kidding Rich,I actually thought you had quite the baby face in person 😅
Brrr...all these winter pictures!
Heat wave on the mainland tomorrow, catastrophic fire weather conditions...and down here in Tassie it might snow in the highlands...
Another Norfolk...


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Great tree pics.

My phone has more bids than work pics.

Hard fitting in as a tree in this person's city.

Need to unlock our trees' future with better care.

We ain't nothing without a back strap or backup tension root.

Max, my old college chum finally made the big time.
Fiona!!! Yer the MAN!! er... WOman, of course, I meantersay (Dickens). That was seriously, really, really awesome.

Rich: Now THAT'S a stinkin HINGE! :rockon: Exactly what ya should do with a Cottonwood.

Jive Turkey Alders over the road today. I'm now a certified Bucket-Baby since I chose to take a BOOTER of a stem-backlash right in the fiber-glass, cause I was too stinkin lazy (Saturday) to climb up and get a smaller top.

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Technical rigging... :|::lol::|:...


Then I get home, and some gigantic, yellow fireball decided to peek his head through the clouds a coupla times. Man, that stinkin thing'll burn the heck out of yer eyes if ya stare at it long enough.


Emma decided that NOW would be a good time to get Primroses in the ground. Now THAT'S an optimist!


Even Aggie decided to Ham-it-up, the crazy bugger...

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Great pics of the family Jed.

They instill a feeling of dejavu in me, pleasant, fleeting n nostalgic.

Enjoy it while yu can bro, every minute of it.

I didn't take many pictures while we were logging. Too cold and too busy.
Richard invented the logger's magarita.......a snow frosted cup of warm tea.

I felled a codomnant red oak that got one leader entangled in another tree and decided to split from top to bottom.
No saw log in that one!


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Pretty good, considering.
Managed to do 10 hour days on this trip with hardly any problems.
I'm not as good as I was, and most likely never will be, but I'm doing OK.
I'll be going to the hospital for a test in 2 weeks, be interesting to see how my blood count is doing.
Planked it up nice Stig. That'll happen every now and then.
Good to read you're doing ok.
Had to cut this locust in half yesterday. With the base being compromised and all the split out crotches I just didn't trust it to follow a notch. I would normally have gotten more pics but I was over it by yesterday. Another month of this stuff and I'm taking a few days off.