I do recall, not so fondly, the company (Sohner Tree) had a Mac 125 with a 60 inch bar and half inch round chain. Took a 3/8 file to sharpen. "Old Blister". Used that saw to cut old-growth stumps out of the right of ways. Stumps that could take 2 days to wreck down flush to the slope.
I swear, Ol' Blister was powerful enough to strip the drivers off a foot of chain in single wack. Surely so if you're dare run it with a loose chain and the tip buried in a cut! Ring a ding, ding, ding! You're done... you dumb 'F'.
Good ol days. I hated that saw enough to cave in and use my 090 on occasion. With its 7 foot bar those old-growth stumps where dispatched smartly, and with a lot less pain.