The Official Work Pictures Thread

I do recall, not so fondly, the company (Sohner Tree) had a Mac 125 with a 60 inch bar and half inch round chain. Took a 3/8 file to sharpen. "Old Blister". Used that saw to cut old-growth stumps out of the right of ways. Stumps that could take 2 days to wreck down flush to the slope.

I swear, Ol' Blister was powerful enough to strip the drivers off a foot of chain in single wack. Surely so if you're dare run it with a loose chain and the tip buried in a cut! Ring a ding, ding, ding! You're done... you dumb 'F'.

Good ol days. I hated that saw enough to cave in and use my 090 on occasion. With its 7 foot bar those old-growth stumps where dispatched smartly, and with a lot less pain.
View pruning this left side by heavy pruning on a dying maple stump-sprout. About a dozen leaders, reaching about 100' tall, maybe as wide.

The interior leaders are getting crushed from all sides.

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Mulberry reduction, to be followed by replacing the 10+ year old Cobra with EHS and rods.
Man... who could know there’s a Mulberry around here. Nice pics Sean.

Cory, Gerry, Stig: Thanks so much for the comments.

Paul: Man, I don’t deserve NUTHIN! Eastside is just about money. If the money’s there... you don’t get chewed out, and woe betide you if it’s not.
Got probably another hour of welding tomorrow am, but the gin poles are pretty much functional and welded out. Kinda funny it took 1 day just messing around to get that far. I don't have the winch stuff fabbed up yet, the guyline anchors, or the front support structure, but it's enough to lift the poles and use a chain fall to lift stuff. Felt kinda amazing to get outside and work like normal again, and put a hood on. My welding machine almost seemed to miss me :lol:

Edit: shit wrong thread :lol: i have the alcohol tolerance of a freshman in high school anymore!
"That ain't workin', that's the way you do it; money for nothin' and the chicks for free..." :D.

Fine looking machine indeed.

Apologies to Dire Straights and Mark Knopfler ;).