The Official Work Pictures Thread

What's the European dogtooth release? I guess it's the angled strap cut in the back? What's the benefit?
On high stumps there is no benefits.
On the low stumps we are required to set here, if you use the tip of the bar it puts you in a way better position if you have to get the hell out of there.
Needs to be way more angled, though.

I had never used it before, I learned it from Bermy.
It has saved my ass a couple of times.

Scroll to post # 19996
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That grinder originally had a $1600 gates poly belt on it. When I had snapped it for the second time I switched to an 8 v belt system. I can now replace all 8 for $120. Some how the drive shaft moved and the sheave was rubbing the cover. I tried everything I could think of to move it back but couldn’t. I need to make a cover of some form but haven’t had time
Got me there.
Obviously, being Scandinavian, I know nothing about palms.
I was, however, thinking that was a harsh treatment.
Then I thought pollarding, and figured it was ok.

Then I saw the last line, and felt stupid.
Got me there.
Obviously, being Scandinavian, I know nothing about palms.
I was, however, thinking that was a harsh treatment.
Then I thought pollarding, and figured it was ok.

Then I saw the last line, and felt stupid.
Glad you said that Stig and not me. :)
That grinder originally had a $1600 gates poly belt on it. When I had snapped it for the second time I switched to an 8 v belt system. I can now replace all 8 for $120. Some how the drive shaft moved and the sheave was rubbing the cover. I tried everything I could think of to move it back but couldn’t. I need to make a cover of some form but haven’t had time
That hole in the guard isn't bad, it helps to vent and cool the belts.
I went as high as I felt comfortable and then took the top off. The top had broken years before and it had grown three leaders.
Uhhh... Yeah Dan... I’m good after having seen that sir. Thanks. And please post some more of your work. Rad stuff.
Fir speedlining about 20 limbs. 2 hours to chunk down to a 15' spar, with a hanging water and snack break when I changed 200t for 461.

The guy who filed it did okay for 16" cuts, but it was fighting me with full 28" cuts.
That guy was me. Last filing in the chain, literally triangles.

Lining up cuts was challenging. It was cutting straightest and best when dead crosscutting. I decided to go undercut COG with a full gap and snipe for my last chunk.
When I banged some wedges to break out the face, one bounced and banged me in the lips, a bit. I've got a small, flatish blood blister on my lip. Weird.

20210310_153347.jpg 20210310_155936.jpg .
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The guy who filed it did okay for 16" cuts, but it was fighting me with full 28" cuts.
That guy was me. Last filing in the chain, literally triangles.

Been there many a time. Maybe you and I are equally cheap. I try to fight it lately. If a chain is giving me grief and I can't correct it after a 2-3 tries, or it is down to triangles and giving grief, I say See Ya!
I wouldn't take a chain that was down to triangles up a tree. That's when they get used for ordinary stuff(bucking), or stumping/cutting trash, depending on how small the triangles are. I don't consider a chain "done" til I lose at least one tooth.
As long as the rakers are set to each tooth she will cut no doubt. Might not be the smooooothest chain though
Something else to keep in mind; by the time you get a chain down to triangles, have a look at the bar and make sure the rails are squared up and the gap isn't too wide or even a new chain will have some issues.
Yah , closing the bar rail won’t help wear , at best it’s a band-aid. Sounds like incorrect sharpening and/ or depth gage not set properly causing that issue. I’ve got bars with over 100cord on em and they are still gtg. Make sure chain and is sharp, depth gauge is set to spec and don’t try to “save” money skimping on bar oil and forget these “budget” bars that don’t last worth a crap. False economy ... Also don’t furget to flip bar to promote even wear. Works well like this here in WNY. In Tennessee.... all bets are off 🤣
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