More biners!!!
My hands now ache the day after rope work....not alone there, Jonny.
I'll let you kids in on a dirty secret...for those of us who use our bodies to make a living, inevitably our physical structure wears down and down and eventually out...
My shoulders, elbows, and wrists have at best 3/4's of a day of manual labor in. them before they start to complain, and then punish me for another couple of days thereafter. My hands are the worst. Arthritis in my fingers gives me serious grief after only a few hours of working them on any task that requires strong gripping..
That is your future, friends.
Also part of it B is that you are not doing it everyday. Your conditioning is fading and being retired there is no need to go all in at once, spread it out.I'll let you kids in on a dirty secret...for those of us who use our bodies to make a living, inevitably our physical structure wears down and down and eventually out.
My shoulders, elbows, and wrists have at best 3/4's of a day of manual labor in them before they start to complain, and then punish me for another couple of days thereafter. My hands are the worst. Arthritis in my fingers gives me serious grief after only a few hours of working them on any task that requires strong gripping.
I had occasion to run my elderly Stihl 064 with 32 inch b&c a couple of weeks ago...reported on that elsewhere here. 3 hours before lunch, an hour break, then 2 more hours. Bucking firewood rounds from 30 to 40 inch logs.
The last hour and a quarter sucked, for my hands. Grip strength was fading badly. Trigger finger gave it up, and I shifted to the second two fingers of my right hand for that task...then went full switchhitter for the last 45 minutes, left hand on the rear handle/trigger.
Took me three days, maybe a bit more, to get my full grip strength back.
That is your future, friends. is right and proper for my dear friend Stig to jump in right about here and chastise me for running my antiques, with their lousy 30 year old technology AV systems. He is of course, quite correct.
My bad, but I still love running my 064 and 044 saws. Kick azz machines, even if they are old, like me.
Flawed, hasty generalization.
Also part of it B is that you are not doing it everyday. Your conditioning is fading and being retired there is no need to go all in at once, spread it out.
But yeah, we'y'all ( is that a word? ) are going to be busted old folk one day. Hopefully living on an island in the tropics somewhere.![]()