The biomass industry is warming up the South's economy, but many experts worry it's doing the same to the climate. Will the Biden Administration embrace it, or cut it loose?
Dunno. I think the calculation needs to account for what biomass is replacing. Keep a coal plant going a bit longer til something better is more attainable; sure, but it might not be a good idea to go all in on it as the 'best' solution. Also depends on what wood is getting used. A smaller scale than *everyone* using biomass is probably the right path. Make it a part of a total package, and not the end goal.
The impact that wiped out the dinosaurs would probably have killed you too—unless you were in the exact right place and had made the exact right plans.
If they were slinging drugs in the streets, they'd be in jail for 25yr minimum. We should bring back outlawry as a criminal punishment. Take everything they own, and outlaw them. Of course the doctors hold responsibility too. Who the frig ever heard of a non addictive opioid?! They should lose their license to practice medicine.
The worst part was their extended release stuff, that they knew didn't work. There is no better way to make someone hooked than to give a pill for pain relief, but then spread the doses so the pain comes back in full force for a couple hours before you can take the next dose, which of course relieves the pain, until it wears off and it starts again.
My mate, who lives in Australia had a botched back operation 6/7 years back, is on them every waking hour.
Says without them he could not move at all. Totally dependent on them.
So, under the right circumstances it’s a godsend.
I think after chatting with him it piqued my interest.
Last month, Dr Chris Reid and Aidan Runagall-McNaull arrived in Northeast NSW to determine the impacts of the 2019-20 bushfires on dung beetle populations. Now nearing the end of their fieldwork, there is some good news to report.
It's gonna get to the point we'll need some kind of 'universal income'. There won't be enough things for humans to do, and there'll be few industries unaffected. People are definitely gonna have to adjust their thinking over the coming decades.
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