The New Offical Mutts of the House thread

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Where’s all the doggos?


After I shot Jack, it put me off posting dog pictures for a bit.

That hurt me more that I let y'all know.
He was supposed to be my last dog and I ended up having to shoot him.

Anyway, Old Sam is getting very near to the end of his life.
12½ years old and getting more decrepit every day.

He has a hard time keeping warm, which is weird since he is half Pyreneean.
So I bought him a winter coat.
I expected him to hate it, but he very much enjoys wearing it.

He can't get into the truck anymore, so I bring a small ladder for him.

Now we are getting to the point where he can only make it up the ladder if I act as cheerleader section.
Next comes a ramp.

He still loves life, and is the first dog out by the truck in the morning.
As long as he feels that way, I'll let it go on, but I see the end growing nearer every day.

Thais is doing fine, here he is eating a bone.

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Dog's Frejya, cat's Tristesse. Son of Unemployment (neighbor's house cat that was roaming around our house) and Chagrin (feral female that used to live under our deck)
We have two other cats. JC and Oscar. JC for Just Cat and Oscar after a broom which bristles reminded me of the cat (or vice versa). There was a TV show (Dead Like Me) where the dog was called JD. I thought it was brilliant.
That was an odd premise for a series... being killed like she was, then being a ghost.

My sister's 15 year old Australian Cattle Dog got lost on the farm Columbus Day weekend. We looked all over for a couple days for it. Didn't help it is mostly deaf. She had to go teach school and leave it here. I found it at the end of the second day. She finally yipped. In heavy brush but not impassable. In pretty rough shape. I nursed her for a few days til she could come back to get her. Has recovered but at 15 her days are few. Sad to see. They go from young to old so fast.