The New Offical Mutts of the House thread

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What a great thread, you guys got some cute dogs!

This is my best friend, Stella. A shorthair red deer head Chihuahua.
She's a little crazy and unpredictable sometimes. She doesn't like strangers and will bite. She also has weak jaw muscles and bad teeth so her bites don't really do anything. She's a rescue from a puppy mill and I hate to think of how her teeth got like this. I assume she was confined in a metal crate and damaged them in an attempt to get out. Not much to do about it besides regular cleanings, vet says he'll pull a tooth if it ever becomes painful for her. Probably be on all canned food later in her life.

She's probably around 7 years old, we've had her for 4 years. Bugs us to know she was neglected and possibly abused so that gives us justification to spoil her a bit.

Guess my pics are sideways again.


Cool 'lil fella! Now STOP biting me, galldangit!!!


MOAR!!! :)
They pulled 13 of my cats teeth, and she still wouldn't eat the canned food. Purina indoor cat chow is all she will touch. Maybe a small bites dog food and you might be good.
Thanks for the info, Kyle. Transitioning to a wet food might suck. Some dogs (and cats) really seem to like it, to the point that they eat it too fast and end up sicking it back up. Also it'll spoil faster I'm sure. I'll worry about it if and when it comes up. Poor cat probably didn't have many teeth left after that.

That's a sweet story they tell there, MB.
Dogs will always be more loyal pets, but I like cats too. We got a crazy one with mood swings.
Lol apparently cat have like 30 something teeth, and she's fine. She wasn't very happy that we left her overnight at the vet, she was a rescue and won't even go outside for a second because she doesn't want to go back. Apparently the miniscule size food they simply swallow it, so it's just fine.

If you need them to slow down eating, you can also shove it all in a Kong toy so they have to play with it for an hour trying to lick it all out
Not mine. She kinda grazes throughout the day.

We do have that bowl for a big ass cat though, and it definitely stopped the puking.
Labrador and Golden retrievers need them.
Mutts such as mine don't.
They are surpricingly uninterested in food.

My vet friend once told me that old Sam was the only dog where he felt like telling the owner to feed him more.

I fed him plenty, he just didn't eat it.
Yah I've never had that issue with my fellas wolfing food. The Dane/mastiff eats his helping down pretty regular but the rottie/mastiff 'guards' his and nibbles a bit here and there throughout the day often not finishing his ration and the other dogs eventually pick it off when he wanders for a drink or a sh-t or whatever. Amazes me how little big tanky eats.
I should make a video of the birds that clean up after the dogs.
It is so funny.
Those birds have it down so well.
The moment the dogs leave their bowls, the magpies and Jackdaws land and set to cleaning up the leftovers.
The birds are the same here. The little guys go nuts when they come swooping in. lol.

I guess he's healthy? Nothing stopping appetite or losing weight?

If that's in regards to tanky? Yah he's beefy, always been a light eater but never any weight issues either way. The Dane cross is definetly a little skinnier as he's getting nearer the end now but Tanky is a real healthy weight. No ribs.
My Thais was so thin at one time, that my vet friend insisted on doing some tests.
Turned out he was perfectly normal, just in the skinny end of the spectre.

Today, being 5 years old and burning off a little less energy every day, he looks fine.
Some dogs are obsessed with food, some less so.

Igor likes his food well enough, but won’t lose his tits over it.

Charlie would have happily watched me disappear into the bowels of hell in return for a bacon sandwich.
Speaking of bacon.

Not wasting food is a big deal here, so supermarket are starting so sell stuff that is near the expiration date cheaply instead of throwing it out after it expires.

My local market has a refridgerator where they put the near expired perishables.

Today I got two large liver pates with bacon for about 2 dollars.

Guess who enjoyed having those for dinner on top of the usual dry dog food.:D
Heck, I never buy red meat w/o that yellow 'reduced' tag on it. I like a little browning on my steaks! And nowadays a fresh cut costs an arm and a leg!
From what I have observed, the dogs prefer it to have spent a winter on the ground in the woods.

Man, sometimes they'll find a rotten deer carcass and get into it and I'm like: " you guys are going to die and you sure ain't riding home in the truck with me" but it never hurts them.
We are too weak and inbred.
Going to town on a deer that has , as the dogs would no doubt put it; " Matured" for a year, would kill us.

Wheras a carrot, left to " Mature " for a year would still be fine to eat..........maybe.............................hopefully.