Where’s all the doggos?
After I shot Jack, it put me off posting dog pictures for a bit.
That hurt me more that I let y'all know.
He was supposed to be my last dog and I ended up having to shoot him.
Anyway, Old Sam is getting very near to the end of his life.
12½ years old and getting more decrepit every day.
He has a hard time keeping warm, which is weird since he is half Pyreneean.
So I bought him a winter coat.
I expected him to hate it, but he very much enjoys wearing it.
He can't get into the truck anymore, so I bring a small ladder for him.
Now we are getting to the point where he can only make it up the ladder if I act as cheerleader section.
Next comes a ramp.
He still loves life, and is the first dog out by the truck in the morning.
As long as he feels that way, I'll let it go on, but I see the end growing nearer every day.
Thais is doing fine, here he is eating a bone.