The New Offical Mutts of the House thread

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@Czed that's a nice lookin cattle dog you have there ...
It's a internet pic my dog was identical
When she was a puppy.
Her name was Penelope
She was abandoned by her owner's
They moved out from down the road from me
And left her there.
She moved in with me
I'll find a pic of her
She was with me two years rode with me everywhere.
She'd steal the neighbors dog toys
And hide them under my house
After she had pulled a block vent out
The other dogs were too big to fit
She was extremely smart.
I was at work when someone stole her
I drove around for day's trying to find her.
I was dropping tree's for my nephew and my great niece's party yorkie rat looking thing.
Ran about two miles through the woods
To chew on my boots IMG_20201027_171423.jpg
You guy's know how loud a ported 372 is
This thing didn't even flinch IMG_20201027_172920.jpg it ran up as I was blocking oak
And pulled on my boots
Followed me all day.
I noticed how much you guy's don't like cats 20190520_200559.jpg
Here's bastard my friend found him as a kitten in the mountains he was feral
He's a killing machine
I turn him loose at night on my 5 acre's
Usually gifts of bodies of vermin at my front door in the morning.
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Now if I'm working on a saw he has to be on the bench no stopping him.
He nips the back of my feet wanting canned food every morning
No dog has the guts to face him here.
This was bitch she wouldn't stay with my cousins widow after he passed away and she moved in with me.
They had named her tiddles lol
she made it almost 20 year's
Until some pos ran her over.
In her prime she killed anything that moved on my property
I never saw a live snake or field mouse or mole. 20200616_183829.jpg 20200516_192506.jpg 20200409_182447.jpg
She was a bench warmer too.
Kinda like the old blind mule.

Then there was the guy looking for a horse to buy for riding.
Spotted a beautiful animal out in a field while driving and stopped to inquire about possible sale.

Old farmer with very thick glasses answers door.

Guy: horse for sale?

Farmer: that old thing? I'd sell him but that horse don't look too good.

The guy thinks he's gonna pull one over on the old farmer with bad eyesight and get a great bargain, so asks to saddle up the horse and try him out.

Horse all saddled the guy mounts, gives a little kick, and says giddy-up!

Horse takes off running like the wind! Gets to the end of the lane and runs smack into a tree! horse falls one way and the man the other...both knocked out form the impact.

Old farmer starts walking down to where the horse & guy are laying knocked out...gets there about the time the man is regaining consciousness.

Man: "what the hell's wrong with that animal? is he blind?"

Farmer: "I done told you he don't look too good!"
We did.
He's gimping around pretty bad lately.
Stands still and waits for help on the stairs & such and limping or not wanting to use his passenger side rear leg.

Common back leg problem with this breed (tendon?).
Had him on some pills, but their not doing it anymore so may have to check on him having surgery...he goes in to the vet next Tuesday anyway, so I'll have a talk with the Doc then...
I love that picture, Mick.

He looks like: " Did you really have to wake me up, just to take a picture"