just got a booster. I know how a lot of you feel in general about the whole "jab" thing. Let you know if I start seeing lizard people or space lasers from the Jewish Kabul.
anyway....MY reason. I am exposed to covid + patients on a daily basis at work. Some I know are positive, others I assume are. Maybe the "micro doses" of viral exposure have given me some type of natural immunity, who knows. At any rate, why risk it. I choose to delay my flu shot for another month since I haven't seen a case of flu in over 18 months. Flu is required, covid is not at this point.
I guess a pandemic will have to run its course over time. If I lived in BFE like some here maybe I would feel different, but I see the damage on a daily basis. I have learned not to judge others for not getting the vac. Please don't spew nonsense about conspiracy theories and consider the position some place themselves in. I choose to be in the ER. I would treat all of yall the same there if you showed up, vaccine or not. Well unless you are a meth head trippin balls trying to assault me and my coworkers in which case I will sedate you, strap you to the bed and put on the 700 club and force some religious BS into your cranium.
it will be interesting to look back in a decade and see what pans out. If this shit was like ebola I feel there would be little hesitancy about a vaccine.