Ivermectin vs. Covid and the vaccine

this is the guy who provided the falsified data that was used and later retracted by the lancet. The lancet article falsely stated that hydroxychloroquine was dangerous. They must have goven him lying lessons as part of his CIA training or something.. notice how he makes a push for the toxic remdesevir at the end.

To me.. he is a mass-murdered, as many of the trials on hydroxychloroquine were halted due to this man's false data.


Vaxx dangers from MIT paper..

this should sufficiently scare the bejesus out of any right-minded HB

Experimental mRNA vaccines have been heralded as having the potential for great benefits, but they also harbor the possibility of potentially tragic and even catastrophic unforeseen consequences. The mRNA vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 have been implemented with great fanfare, but there are many aspects of their widespread utilization that merit concern. We have reviewed some, but not all, of those concerns here, and we want to emphasize that these concerns are potentially serious and might not be evident for years or even transgenerationally.
Vaxx dangers from MIT paper..

this should sufficiently scare the bejesus out of any right-minded HB

Experimental mRNA vaccines have been heralded as having the potential for great benefits, but they also harbor the possibility of potentially tragic and even catastrophic unforeseen consequences. The mRNA vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 have been implemented with great fanfare, but there are many aspects of their widespread utilization that merit concern. We have reviewed some, but not all, of those concerns here, and we want to emphasize that these concerns are potentially serious and might not be evident for years or even transgenerationally.

“What if your doctor is wrong?”
This is what I heard conservative radio host (and former guest of my show) Dennis Prager say as I drove home from the school I volunteer for in South Los Angeles a few days ago.
Against the backdrop of the rise of Omicron he was complaining about what he felt to be the clear suppression of evidence showing that there are alternative treatments to COVID-19 aside from the vaccine.
“How is it I know ivermectin works” and others don’t, he asked? Dennis lamented the suppression of what he believes to be “clear evidence” of the efficacy of this drug and the tragic willingness of Americans to sacrifice the health of their children to newly developed vaccine technology, the long term effects of which we do not know.
“We don’t have long term data on these mRNA vaccines,” liberal leaning podcaster and public intellectual Sam Harris stated in his most recent podcast. “We don’t have long-term data on what it’s like to get COVID not having been vaccinated – apart from the short-term data of watching people die by the hundreds of thousands.”
Sam was explaining why he would not debate COVID-19 vaccine skeptics such as his and my mutual friend, the evolutionary biologist Bret Weinstein. “Not everything can be debated responsibly in the middle of a pandemic, where you have thousands of people dying everyday…in many cases…dying quite unnecessarily.”
The breakdown in communication even within the high halls of our democracy are on full display in the fireworks that routinely unfold in congressional hearings between the nation’s leading infectious disease official, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and United States Senator (and one of only four medical doctors in the Senate) Dr. Rand Paul.
I got caught up on their most recent duel in a video I listened to as I drove around town. I didn’t learn much about the issue, but I did learn that Sen. Paul finds Dr. Fauci to be a man who equates criticisms of him with attacks on science itself, a highly paid and arrogant official who “rules by mandate” and “attacks [his] colleagues in a political and reprehensible way.”
I also learned that Dr. Fauci finds Sen. Paul to be a political opportunist guilty of “attacks on me that have no relevance to reality” whose words feed threats of violence against Dr. Fauci and the spread of misinformation. I learned that, in Dr. Fauci’s view, Rand Paul is “making a catastrophic epidemic for [his] political gain.”
Political grudge matches can be sadly entertaining. They can emerge out of earnest disputes as well as the clashes between those who would lie for gain and those who would tell the truth.
It is up to the American people to discern the truth and to decide which authorities and experts we trust. But we need compassion for one another in the process. How many of us can follow every thread of the most important debates that unfold in America? How easy is it to be swept up in the contempt and distrust expressed by political and opinion leaders because none of us have the time to pursue every issue to its roots?
Tomorrow is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Let us remember that Dr. King had a very different vision of American democracy - one in which “we must not seek to defeat or humiliate the enemy but to win his friendship and understanding.”
The relationship between trust and our ability to make sense of the world is expressed brilliantly by Daniel Schmactenberger of the The Conscilience Project: “If people don’t have some spaces and some relationships where they feel like they can actually share fully, openly, honestly, their sense making is going to be radically curtailed.”
Braver Angels must hold the space for us to understand our neighbors as human beings so that we can help each other learn what is true – and where there is earnest disagreement – on the issues that matter most. If we fail to do so, the well of common ground and respect in American life will dry up. There will be less and less room for the American people to work together. Distrust in our institutions will naturally rise unless the American people set a better example for our entire society to follow.
As we set our sights on the balance of this new year, let us commit to expanding the ground upon which we may faithfully hear one another, and open the landscape upon which we may build this house united.
—John Wood Jr.,

BREAKING – Over 150,000 people including 600 children have died due to the Covid-19 Vaccines in the USA

Anaphylaxis after COVID-19 vaccination is rare and occurs in approximately 2 to 5 people per million vaccinated in the United States based on events reported to VAERS according to the CDC report on ‘Selected Adverse Events Reported after COVID-19 Vaccination’.

However, a scientific study conducted at Mass General Brigham, published March 8th 2021 on JAMA, found “severe reactions consistent with anaphylaxis occurred at a rate of 2.47 per 10,000” people fully vaccinated.

This implies that VAERS is receiving reports of anaphylaxis between 50 – 123 times less than what is actually occurring among the vaccinated population, despite it being a well known side effect that doctors are required to report.

Jessica Rose PhD concludes in her paper that after the JAMA study was published doctors were more careful to assess vaccine recipients for prior history of anaphylaxis, so to calculate the true under-reporting multiplier she and her team decide to assess the VAERS database figures that were reported before the Mass General Brigham study was published, and calculated the underreporting rate to be 41 times less than what has and is occurring in the vaccinated population.

The rate was calculated by taking the number of vaccinated people from the beginning of the Covid-19 vaccine roll-out to the end of March 2021 in the US, and the number of reports of anaphylaxis reactions submitted to VAERS in the same time frame.

‘Our World in Data’ shows that 97.5 million Americans had received a single dose of a Covid-19 vaccine by March 31st 2021.

Bases on the results of the JAMA study which found anaphylaxis was occurring due to the Covid-19 vaccines at a rate of 2.47 per 10,000 people, the true number of anaphylaxis reports to VAERS should have totalled 24,082.

The calculation is as follows:
97.5 million (people vaccinated) ÷ 10,000 (JAMA per rate) = 9,750
9,750 x 2.47 (JAMA rate of occurrence) = 24,082.5
24,082.5 + 583 (VAERS reports of Anayphlyaxis) = 41.3 (underreporting rate)

Using the conservative underreporting rate that they calculated, Jessica Rose PhD and her team were then able to calculate the number of people the Covid-19 vaccines have killed in the USA using a variety of methods.

One of those methods was to use the data available in VAERS. As of August 27th a search of the VAERS database shows that there had been 7,149 deaths reported as adverse reactions to the Covid-19 vaccines in the USA.

Using the underreporting rate of 41 times calculated, this would mean that 293,109 Americans have been killed by the Covid-19 vaccines up to the 27th August 2021. However, Jessica Rose PhD explains in her paper that the number of average background deaths must be subtracted in order to calculate the true number of people that have been killed by the Covid-19 vaccines.

To calculate the number of average background deaths, Jessica Rose PhD used the results of a study published on ‘Research Gate’, titled ‘Analysis of COVID-19 vaccine death reports from the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) Database Interim: Results and Analysis. The study found that 86% of deaths reported as adverse reactions to the Covid-19 vaccines up to April 2021 were consistent with the vaccine being causal for the death.
My wife and I got the vaccine and we're both fine. Sore arm for a day or two but it wasn't so bad, about like a flu shot. We were pretty hesitant for a few months, but it came down to a pretty simple risk calculus: our odds of serious problems were greater from covid than the vaccine.

I mean, I've been paid to do riskier shit than get vaxxed, and I was happy to do it. Set chokers, still got my hands. Fell trees, still got my life. Taught SJW's how to shoot, still not been shot. Probably the riskiest of all.