Regarding Covid

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I talked to my friend today. She's a Canadian doctor in charge of the covid response team in Regina SK. She tells me 20% of the hospitalized covid patients have been vaxxed. Some of them have immune deficiencies. The hospitals are full and her hospital that isn't full is not getting referrals from the full ones nearby. She's afraid of the delta variant because she's seen the long-haul covid after-effects. I told her to quit if she was that worried. She said that's not an easy thing to do when people are going to die if she quits.
Follow the money. Ask 100 questions and 99 answers are going to be “money”.
The healthcare industry is just that, an industry.
ETA: Beat by 30 seconds...
And power. It’s money and power.

Careful, Mr. B! You’ll be named with such as me and Bod and’s easier to mock someone/something you disagree with than to acknowledge it has merit.
This one is over a year old. It starts slow but picks up. Both videos support my views regarding covid. Not everyone sees it the same. I'll add that.

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I found it interesting last week, that Monday night in the ER, and Tuesday morning at the ortho clinic, I was asked if I’d been tested for Covid in the last two weeks, if I’d been experiencing Covid-like symptoms or if I’d been in contact with anyone who had. I was NOT asked if I’d had Covid, or if I’d been vaccinated. I’m a bit puzzled by what testing in the last two weeks would prove/disprove. Does the test somehow “protect” you for two weeks? (Sarcasm) If they’d asked if I was vaccinated, I was prepare to tell them, “No, but I have a lucky frog’s tooth and a 1967 wheat penny that I carry in my pocket just in case.”
The wife and I tested hot February 24. The doctor said if we started feeling worse to let him know. I asked if there was anything that we could take to help fight it and he said “Nothing that I’m authorized to prescribe.” This is the same doctor that prescribed Flowmax to my wife to help her pass kidney stones. :|:
This is virus. It's not going away. Actually Covid-19 is one of the gentle ones.

This is a practice run of what can come. We need to adapt and learn from his to better prevent others.
If you vaccine or not there is a lot to learn. The focus is misplaced if you worry about vaccine.

How we live, interact, travel is a lot better to put focus on.

If a virus goes to pandemic proportions battle is lost. We will all learn to live with it.
Vaccine may help keep you alive, if that is not the goal then you have no worries about viruses.
Yep. It’s a virus. A VIRUS. Not a flesh-eating alien. Not a fatal STD. It’s a virus. And it will run it’s course as all others have in the past. It simply has weaponized and politicized the medical arena like nothing ever did before.
One of the classrooms at my daughter's elementary school in eastern Washington, where many people scoff at mandatory masking, is shut down until October 1st. Too many coming to school with covid.

Another local school district didn't enforce making and distancing... yep, high transmission rates.

I kept my kid home today, and until conditions improve.

My guess is the next step is moving back to 2.5 day per week, in half-size classroom "cohorts", as it was last year.