Regarding Covid

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just got a booster. I know how a lot of you feel in general about the whole "jab" thing. Let you know if I start seeing lizard people or space lasers from the Jewish Kabul.

anyway....MY reason. I am exposed to covid + patients on a daily basis at work. Some I know are positive, others I assume are. Maybe the "micro doses" of viral exposure have given me some type of natural immunity, who knows. At any rate, why risk it. I choose to delay my flu shot for another month since I haven't seen a case of flu in over 18 months. Flu is required, covid is not at this point.

I guess a pandemic will have to run its course over time. If I lived in BFE like some here maybe I would feel different, but I see the damage on a daily basis. I have learned not to judge others for not getting the vac. Please don't spew nonsense about conspiracy theories and consider the position some place themselves in. I choose to be in the ER. I would treat all of yall the same there if you showed up, vaccine or not. Well unless you are a meth head trippin balls trying to assault me and my coworkers in which case I will sedate you, strap you to the bed and put on the 700 club and force some religious BS into your cranium.

it will be interesting to look back in a decade and see what pans out. If this shit was like ebola I feel there would be little hesitancy about a vaccine.
I just got called in for my 3rd shot.
But since the chemo treatments ( That I'm happily done with now) screws with the vaccine, I have to wait till 4 weeks after the last treatment.
With the millions that have got the vaccine I think the odds have been pretty well tested. Gov't has been controlling us with vaccines since I was a kid. Why all the hoopla now?

Why indeed? (I think this was posted before, but as an answer to the above query...)

In your shoes John, I totally get it. However, I would be first more apt to look into a nlood test for my levels of antibodies.
Immune compromised, like Stig, Kyle and others here. I totally get your rational as well.
I am watching locally, as more and more numbers of the vaxxed are having issues here locally. Most had a run in with the Covid early 2020, did not test for antibody levels, then went and got fully vaxxed. More and more gettin SAF.
I will be having my blood work done soon. Regular stuff, but might have that run as well. If the lab offers the test.
FWIW...Tasmania is 65% double vaccinated (pop almost 500,000). There has been one death from AZ vaccine in a 50yr old, and I personally know of one other death from AZ in a 40 yr old on the mainland.
A close friend took three weeks to get over side effects from the vaccine Pfizer, fatigue aches and pains, fine now.
We have no cases of Covid here at the moment, have not had any local transmission for 447 days. There are no reports of seriously sick post vaccine people.
Vaccines do not cause Covid.
Vaccines available here, Pfizer, Astra Zeneca, Moderna.
I find it somewhat amazing that the vaccine has “cured” some areas, despite the blatant fact that it does not prevent one from having Covid or transmitting Covid. Odd. If I didn’t know better, I’d think the numbers/facts were skewed.
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Googling you can not find rampant numbers of deaths from vaccine. Uk numbers mentioned also. Problem with internet is you can find info to back up about any viewpoint. Facts tell me vaccine saves lives. Hospitalization and death rates drastically lower in vaccinated. Pick your poison.
You can find whatever you want on the internet until what you’re looking for doesn’t align with certain folks’ views. I saw several YouTube vids of the Sandy Hook drama that within two days were pulled. Didn’t fit the narrative. Just like the media isn’t driven to report vaccine deaths. Only the monumental number of the “un-vaxxed” who are dropping like flies. Had Covid been as bad as they initially claimed it was, far more would already be dead.

What were these sites saying about Sandy Hook?
Discussing Covid with you is not really of interest to me.
What is more interesting (to me at least) is how it has affected people‘s behavior on line.

People like you, Murph and Frankie seem to have lost all sense of embarrassment.
Now there’s a few ways of looking at it.
1: You have always thought this stuff (the elite looking to reduce the population by 80% etc.) but have only recently felt confident enough to articulate it online.
2: You didn’t always think this way but Covid has tipped you over the edge and now you’re up for all this stuff.
3: You’re winding me up.
I’m sure there are others possibilities including you are absolutely right about everything.

As for the dog analogy, 20 children were killed, it wasn’t a dog bite. There’s no equivalence as far as I can see.
go no clue. I think it's twelve and older.

Jim, if you start smoking meth then my bias comes out.

Woke up this morning with a sore arm, and feeling a little off. Crazy dreams last night just like the last two shots. I guess it's mind-expanding too. So I decided to fix it and went rock climbing. Got 6 pitches in before it got hot. Still have a little headache but my arm feels better.