Regarding Covid

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Isn't it ironic that as the number of vaccinated goes up, so does the number of cases?
No cases in Tasmania for over 440 days...60%+ vaccinated and increasing every day. Vaccinations started in April.
Vaccines do not cause covid
Interesting times we live in . . .

First of all, I’d wager if we looked hard enough, we’d find a lot of stuff. I do have a question regarding the article you linked, Stig. Opening paragraph:” Denmark is beating COVID. The Danish government recently announced the virus is no longer a "critical threat" there, and lifted its vaccination and mask requirements for indoor activities.” How do you “lift” a vaccination requirement? Stop requiring it? And the vax was only required for “indoor activities”? I honestly can’t figure what that sentence means. Vaccines and masks were only required for indoor activities? How extensive was the vaccine mandate? Can’t go to a concert if you’re not vaxxed serious? Or lose your job serious?
We put all the antivaxxers in concentration camps and gassed them.
End of problem.
>published 16,000+ deaths and 450,000+ adverse events, as of August 28, 2021; thought to be 120 times higher, by CDC whistleblower signed affidavit; with 150,000 adverse events removed from CDC database

EUDRA (EU States)
>22,000 people died and 2 million suffered side effects, of which 50% are serious.

> 30,305 people have died within 21 days; over ~100,000 adverse events; 1,260 cases of blindness

IPC (Israel)
>~48,000 deaths and ~375400 adverse events
>The Israeli prime minister Naftali Bennet says that the people who are most at risk now, are those who received two doses of the vaccine.

You are correct, the vaccines do not entirely prevent covid, Pfizer is 90ish% effective, AZ in the 70% and it wanes after a time (study out of the UK) They do however substantially reduce the chance you will have a serious case requiring hospitalization, thus reducing the strain on the hospital system.
Same with the flu vaccine.
10 deaths in Oz positively linked to AZ vaccine.
Several (not sure of numbers) have had the clotting side effect and recovered. There is an element of hesitancy around AZ.
No one denies it.
Millions now double dosed.
The reason nobody has seen any flu cases is because they are all misdiagnosed as Covid-19. Kids are not getting Covid, but some get the flu. In rare cases a kid might even die from the flu. That has been unchanged for as long as we have had kids and flu. But now we have mask rules for kids in school and babies on airplanes. Families getting thrown off airplanes because the 2 year old baby wouldn't keep his mask on! Insanity!
sorry brother but a covid and flu test are two different things. If you don't get a test and speculate which one it is that's not good data. We test for both. Like I said, haven't seen flu in a long time. RSV is definitely back in kids.

nit sure how you misdiagnose. Probably more false neg tests than false positive. Chest x-ray in covid and flu are nowhere close to each other.

eliminate drama and use some science here
So a positive note to Covid then! It cured the common flu AND white supremacy! Win/win! Sorry...I don’t believe for a second that the flu went AWOL just because it’s nasty bat-bred cousin showed up. I think Covid was the media hog and as such, all else faded into the background.
True, but the flu has survived for centuries. Seems quite odd that it would just disappear. I will say one positive of Covid has been awareness. I know folks who, when sick, just have to run to the store for this or that. Covid made folks not only aware of themselves, but made them more aware of others as well.
Flu has not disappeared.
Social distancing and masks reduced it severely last winter.
Here the docs expect we'll have a "normal" flu season, since Covid restrictions are gone.
So I'll be getting my usual flu shot soon.

Be interesting to see what the naysayers make of this.
I’m not a nay-sayer, but I’d come a lot nearer taking that if I had Covid, than I would taking the vaccine just in case I came in contact with it. I know several who’ve come down with Covid AFTER being vaccinated, and I know of several un-vaxxed who’ve had Covid and did just fine. Granted, there have been a few who had a rough go, and a very few died from it. If we did a broad study of auto accidents, what percentage result in fatality? What percent walk away unscathed? It’s all relative.
Im not saying flu is gone. I had to choose either booster or both. SO I went booster, then I will get flu in three weeks. trying to spread them out. Got the shingle vax and flu together last year which kicked my ass.
The one good thing to be said about having a malfunctioning immune system is, I don't feel any aftereffect from vaccines, at all.
Silver lining, you know.
First of all, I’d wager if we looked hard enough, we’d find a lot of stuff. I do have a question regarding the article you linked, Stig. Opening paragraph:” Denmark is beating COVID. The Danish government recently announced the virus is no longer a "critical threat" there, and lifted its vaccination and mask requirements for indoor activities.” How do you “lift” a vaccination requirement? Stop requiring it? And the vax was only required for “indoor activities”? I honestly can’t figure what that sentence means. Vaccines and masks were only required for indoor activities? How extensive was the vaccine mandate? Can’t go to a concert if you’re not vaxxed serious? Or lose your job serious?

Sorry for not answering this.

That article is full of wrongly worded stuff.
Guess I should have read it more carefully before posting it.

We had shut down all indoor activities and outdoor activities with more than 10 people ( I think, I don't go to "activities" that involve people).

Masks were mandatory everywhere indoor, supermarkets, shops, busses.....everything.

Restaurants, bars etc were closed. So were cultural events.

Then, once more people were vaccinated they opened up again. but only for people with a valid Covid pass.
That is those who have been vaccinated, have already had Covid or has been tested within 72 hours.

Nobody lost their jobs for not being vaccinated.

Now all that has been revoked........for now, that is.
Might have to reinstall, noone knows what the future brings.

Masks are still required in hospitals ( And I hope they keep that, would be a good idea).

Personally I still try to keep social distancing and I have quit shaking hands.
Always hated that, so now I just tell people " I have leukemia, so I don't shake hands" goes over fine.

Did that clear it up?

It is amazing how fast one forgets.
In Schweiz they are still wearing masks indoor, and we constantly forgot ours.
One time we were going into a restaurant and I had to walk all the way back to the campground to get mine.
When I came back, my buddy was already seated.
The waiter looked at my Covid pass and told me sadly:" Sorry that is not valid".
Then cracked up when he saw my face fall.
My buddy had suggested they play that joke on me, and the waiter did it just right.
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Be interesting to see what the naysayers make of this.

I think it's interesting because Merck was the company that brought Ivermectin to the market.

Since everyone in the world knows that Ivermectin is absolutely worthless as an antiviral.....Merck probably had to start from scratch and had absolutely NO data whatsoever available when trying to produce an antiviral from absolute record time.