Captain Zero!
The "front line heroes" ain't heros no mo.....
I think it's interesting because Merck was the company that brought Ivermectin to the market.
Since everyone in the world knows that Ivermectin is absolutely worthless as an antiviral.....Merck probably had to start from scratch and had absolutely NO data whatsoever available when trying to produce an antiviral from absolute record time.
You sarcastically asserted that the antiviral has been maligned?
Do you have a suggestion about why it was/ is viewed as it was/ is?
More anecdotal evidence: I personally know ten people who have gotten rona, taken Ivermectin, and recovered within a week with no lingering effects. I also know nine people who have gotten rona, sought help at a hospital, were intubated and ventilated, and died within two weeks.
Monoclonal antibodies work so this administrations FDA had to step in and control the supply to doctors and hospitals. Ivermectin must not be that good or else it would be controlled also. Neither evidently are on the stockholders list of money makers.
Scott never said that. Scott simply refused to accept the sky-is-falling mantra handed down from Fauci and company.But Scott says it doesn't kill people, now you got me all confused.
You're right, I was wrong. I thought it was one of the drugs he took along with Remdisivir.Not seeing ivermectin on any lists of treatment on Trump, Brian.
8 drugs Trump has been given for his COVID-19 treatment
Since President Donald Trump tested positive for COVID-19 Oct. 1, he has been given a variety of drugs intended to shorten his recovery time and ease