Regarding Covid

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Well ... the cervesza bug did not lock us down. The PTB did this and it was done worldwide. Never before has this happened in recorded human history afaik. The government(s) are all mere puppets to these individuals. Looks like “give us 2 weeks to flatten the curve” has turned into death/destruction , covid passports and now they are pushing for mandatory vaccines 💉. The “tin foil hats” were warning ⚠️ of these possibilities years ago but unfortunately no one took it seriously 😳. If you think for 1 minute they are going to stop you are sadly mistaken. Once control of health is achieved via covid passports/mandatory vaccines it will be game over and the next phase of their master plan will be executed
Some act like the reset is a mythical something, but it’s been talked about for years. With the mess our government has made financially, it’s the only viable way out, though that didn’t make it a good idea.
I do recall, young as I was, Eisenhower's warnings of the Military Industrial Complex threat on this country, and shortly there after President Kennedy's warnings of a shadow government threat, not just nationally but globally. I was too young to appreciate the words at those powerful speeches at the time but in retrospect, through the years, I have seen how both have played out exactly. Right before our very eyes. Very crafty. Like boiling frogs.
I just downloaded my new Corona passport.

Means I can travel, go to the library, eat at restaurants etc.

According to Frankie and Murphy it also means, of course, that I have sold my soul to: Bill Gates, the Jewish illuminati and the lizard people..................did I miss any?

There is only one thing that is dead wrong with their arguments.
I'm a commie, so according to Mccarthy, I don't have a soul. :D
I've got to get to work on my Corona passport I reckon. I don't intend to be under house arrest just because multi-mask Fauci thinks it's not safe for me to be out and about. I wonder if he worked in an environment of falling objects if he'd wear two helmets and two pairs of steel-toed shoes....
Went to Home Depot the other day.

The PA system repeated several times that masks MUST be worn at all times.

It went on to specify .....even with confirmation of FULL vaccination.

Enjoy your travels.

Vaccination counts as being safe, here.

As for travelling, Margot hasn't seen her kids or grandkids since september.
It would be nice if we could go to Schweiz in the near future.

As for selling my soul, I already have an ordinary passport, a drivers license and a Danish citizen card ( Which counts as identification here and in the EU) I also have the Blue citizen card, which will get you medical assistance in a lot of those countries, not covered by the Danish/EU one.
Not the US, unfortunately, you guys have a nasty record of overcharging people with a foreign health insurance.

So one more form of ID is no big deal to me.
( Because I have no soul to sell)
But his legacy lives on...

When I was a kid, my dad always said that Americans thought commies ate small kids for breakfast.

I've had 13 years as a member here to try to turn that into a joke ( anti American, of course!), but no luck so far.
What’s the point of getting gene therapy if you still need to wear a mask and social distance? If you can still contract and transmit the virus then wtf good is the vaccine passport ? Virtue signaling ? Eroding what is left of our civil
Liberties ? What about the 99% who got c-19 and fully recovered ? Why do they need a shot for a virus they already defeated ? Just give us 2 weeks to flatten the curve ... right-0 !
That reasoning might have worked before the attempted coup, and calling anyone who believes that law enforcement needs to follow existing laws and stop profiling the "radical left." Same with the idea that making the rich pay their share of taxes as communist.
Jerry, your radical left has gone totally wild, and some of it is spilling off over here.
Total madness.
But I don't think it is dividing America more than it always has been.
You've never been a nation in piece with itself, that started way before Mccarthy.
I could name a lot of instances...........remember Vietnam and the anti war protests when you were young.

The Norman Rockwell picture that you grew up in, and the loss of which you becry has IMO never existed.
That reasoning might have worked before the attempted coup, and calling anyone who believes that law enforcement needs to follow existing laws and stop profiling the "radical left." Same with the idea that making the rich pay their share of taxes as communist.

Nailed it.
Oh yea, wouldn't a coup have involved arms to overthrow the ridiculously, over-armed capitol police/secret service guarding our most sacred politicians? How many arms were discovered? I think it was a very round number, close to the IQ of many politicians...

Nailed it, Jim!
Attempted coup my ass.

They were just a couple people in a small isolated spot just blowing off steam. was leftist infiltration that caused the unrest.

The rich pay twice thier share.

A lot pay nothing.

The only thing that is true on taxes is that the middle pays too much.

Funny thing about the leftist infiltration story.
A couple on here opined that the guy with horns was anti fa, then deleted their posts when that proved to be bullshit.
Bob and Ryan iirc