Regarding Covid

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Yes, won’t be long now 😉.. they are dropping like flies in Texas , Idaho and North Dakota also. The nerve of these governors ! Actually opening up the economies so that people can WORK and EAT! I’m not buying what the TPTB are selling... spit that kool-aid out a loooong time ago. I’ll take my chances with my natural immune system ... not this science over God rubbish in the form of an untested mRNA gene therapy injection.....
I was excited that he was pretty young, and figured he'd have a better grasp of tech issues, and just get away from the old ways of doing things. That's what I get for figurin'. It was eight more years of Bush.
He had the opportunity to do a lot for race relations, but he chose to widen the gap more than bridge it.
Oh not my life Mr. Burnham , and most certainly not yours ... The children and grandchildren will be the ones who suffer
That is my concern. The children and grandchildren. They are the ones who will face the consequences of our actions/inaction.
You both are of course correct. But it would be unwise to think that this is a new situation.

Decisions/actions/inactions the current adults in any population, since way back when one group of cave folk either got along with or went to war with their neighbors, have passed along to their children and grandchildren the fruits of those choices.

These days are no different, with no more consequences than those of our forebearers. Those consequences are surely serious, as they always have been, but this in not new ground being plowed.
You both are of course correct. But it would be unwise to think that this is a new situation.

Decisions/actions/inactions the current adults in any population, since way back when one group of cave folk either got along with or went to war with their neighbors, have passed along to their children and grandchildren the fruits of those choices.

These days are no different, with no more consequences than those of our forebearers. Those consequences are surely serious, as they always have been, but this in not new ground being plowed.
I politely disagree, Burnham. There’s ground being plowed today that has never been plowed before. And they’re cutting down a forest of liberties to plow that ground.
I politely disagree, Burnham. There’s ground being plowed today that has never been plowed before. And they’re cutting down a forest of liberties to plow that ground.
I also disagree , the template that is rapidly being ushered in is most disturbing. Little by little has been the mantra for decades, now it seems the pace is accelerating to a degree never seen before, at least in my lifetime. Taking a vaccine or not is a personal choice. A no jab / no job , vaccine passport, and now here in NY “excelsior pass” policy is being implemented as we speak . This is not “conspiracy theory” , it IS occurring and is coercion/blackmail in its essence imho. A society where one must offer continuous access to ones bloodstream (we are not there yet , and I emphasize the word yet) in order to move about as a free individual is no society at all. It is Tyranny ... plain and simple. The mere fact of living in modern society puts others at risk of death, the farmer you get food from, the construction worker, truck driver , oil/gas worker and on and on and on. IF you are so afraid of death then YOU take measures to protect Yourselves. Lock yourself in a hermetically sealed chamber and let others get in with life! We had little info a year ago about this C19 , now , a year later, we DO. To continue on this path is madness! Think for yourself or others will think for you , without thinking of you... Thoreau
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Frankie and Scott, you DO know that the US is a fairly small part of the World, right?
Stig , no matter where your location on this mortal-coil , the MONEY is in the medicine ... not the cure !
Can you make your mind, or what passes for one, up.
Are the World leaders, the European Royalty, the Jewish cabal ( And the lizard people??) Bill Gates and all out to gain total control of us, or are they just trying to make money on medicine?

And was Kamala Harris sworn in on the tenets of Marx?
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What the hell does that have to do with the price of franks and beans? Fie, what a spendthrift of his tongue is he! Something IS rotten in Denmark
It means that you are wobbling all over the place.
Try to set a straight course instead of finding something new every day, to dooms cry about.

As for Kamala Harris, I'm going to hit you with that idiocy until you own up.

Now go delete a bunch of other posts.
Altjid zeuren , hierover zeuren en daarover zeuren ! Ga de 500i al waxen

Still going on with the Google translate crap, I see.
Sure would help if you got the right country, that is Dutch, not Danish.
