Regarding Covid

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According to science, a cloth mask cannot stop a virus. The evidence over the last year has proved that.
The only way to stop a virus is with a full-body bio-hazard suit with a carbon filter breather. The manufacturer/government know this , and so does Frankie , in fact it says on the package “does NOT protect user from virus”. That someone would ARGUE this point is beyond belief at this stage. Obviously masks and social distancing have done nothing but prolong the pandemic. The government Cannot stop a virus, not today , not tomorrow, never! They CAN however , use it as a pretext to remove your rights- caught all kinds of flack from folk last year - well , it’s been one year , they are NOT backing off , One year ago a counter argument was valid - now , given all that has transpired , one would have to be a fool to take TPTB at their word ! Vaccine passports? Excelsior pass here in NY? No jab/no job ? This is tyranny / blackmail plain as day and yet some folk argue in favor of their own slavery ? Simply MIND boggling!
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Sez you ... A year ago one could make counter- arguments and have some justification for a diametrically-opposed opinion ... However, at this point in time, to argue that there is no agenda (running the gamut from political all the way to the great reset) being derived from the cervesza bug is the pinnacle of ignorance imho ... In fact they (WEC - world economic forum) are telling you right to your face what their plans are for humanity! They don’t even care to hide it anymore ... “You will own nothing and be happy” ... These people are unelected ,wealthy beyond imagination, and are using this as a catalyst to try and drive their agenda forward. Banning Dr S and Mr potato-head as “racist”, cmon man wake up and smell the coffee ...... I’m no “Oracle” , just someone who has devoted much study to history and can see the same pattern emerging once again. Perhaps some research on your end regarding what I speak of might be beneficial to you ... I cannot do your reading/learning for you ... More and more are waking up to the fraud bring perpetrated on humanity - let us hope a spirit of unity comes forward quickly ... DBE88F2C-1465-4F90-ADEB-74E7616F2577.jpeg
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Burnham, I get it that you don’t care for Frankie’s posts in general. But in regard to that last one, are you rolling your eyes at Frankie in general, or do you not believe in the reset?
You can show these individuals all the pertinent information, break it down into small digestible pieces, and answer any/all questions they may pose to the best of your ability - but they simply will not believe it ... When the boot arrives in their derrière ... THEN they will finally understand
But, dear Frankie, there IS a counter argument for masks and social distancing and circuit breaker lockdowns that have almost eliminated the virus from community transmission, it's called Australia and New Zealand.

Lart time I checked I was still free, free to attend a steam festival with no mask, free to go to the community pool, free to attend a community bbq and enjoy food brought and cooked by someone outside my family, free to drink and dine out and go to libraries, gyms...and yeah thank you to the other states for temporarily wearing masks and enduring lockdowns.and border restrctions for the greater good of the whole country.
Scott, I do not find it credible that the WEF will accomplish anything. I roll my eyes at Frankie for his belief that his freedom to live his life as he wishes will be changed by this group.
While I agree that the WEF alone could never accomplish such a feat, the fact that our government is hell-bent on bankrupting us leads me to believe that a reset of some sort is in our future. I hope I am wrong, but you can’t keep giving away money you don’t have.
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Dude, we're already bankrupt. There isn't a snowball's chance in hell we can pay our bills. The machine keeps running on magic. In any sane world, bill collectors would be banging on the door, and seizing assets.
Which puts the WEF completely out of the picture so far as a entity to concern myself with. That Frankie fears what those people are going to do to him is silly, to me.
Dude, we're already bankrupt. There isn't a snowball's chance in hell we can pay our bills. The machine keeps running on magic. In any sane world, bill collectors would be banging on the door, and seizing assets.
Technically, we aren’t “bankrupt” until the banging on the door starts. Our kind and benevolent congress just voted themselves all a raise to go along with the freebie monies they are handing out to the public. Every one that voted for that raise should be tarred and feathered. They’ve wrecked the country and they want bonuses for doing it!
Scott, I do not find it credible that the WEF will accomplish anything. I roll my eyes at Frankie for his belief that his freedom to live his life as he wishes will be changed by this group.
Oh not my life Mr. Burnham , and most certainly not yours ... The children and grandchildren will be the ones who suffer
An interesting video from 2014 from Anthony Patch, this was 7 YEARS AGO ... Pay very close attention to the theme of “problem,reaction , solution” ... make no mistake the “covid passport, excelsior pass here in NY and the no jab / no job situation IS occurring as we speak / no arguments, ifs and or buts it IS happening ... This is tyranny and outright blackmail ...
Technically, we aren’t “bankrupt” until the banging on the door starts. Our kind and benevolent congress just voted themselves all a raise to go along with the freebie monies they are handing out to the public. Every one that voted for that raise should be tarred and feathered. They’ve wrecked the country and they want bonuses for doing it!
The national debt of Trump's term was the 3rd largest increase. Lincoln and Bush were larger due to the wars they sunk money in to.
Not according to what I read, but let’s not do away with Trump bashing just because he’s out of office! The beast we call government has grown exponentially out of control and to such size that it cannot be maintained through any sensible means.
The beast we call government has grown exponentially out of control and to such size that it cannot be maintained through any sensible means.

“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”
Trump ran the governments books exactly like he ran all his companies. Reduce income, Increase spending. Its what we hired him to do.