Regarding Covid

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The main trouble with the “vaccine” is that it does not prevent the subject from : a) getting the virus and b) transmitting the virus to others , supposedly it only “lessens the symptoms” ... Now anyone with 1/2 a deck should be able to determine the absurdity of this situation
A hay customer of mine works in a assisted living house. She was not sure if she wanted it but finally decided yes. She said it went right down the line- the people vaccinated either did not get it at all or very mild and the ones that did not get it did not fare too well. She became an advocate.
im checking out of this thread yall

please understand that lessoning symptoms is a good thing. Herd immunity will come eventually. Choose your own path but please stop spreading misinformation.

I'm troubled that folks keep turning this shit into politics of conspiracy theories

reminds me of the Salem witch hunts

hopefully, none of yall will look up from a stretcher and see my face. Be well
Uh...we didn’t turn the KungFlu into a political issue. That was done by people paid far too much to do far too little.
One Really cannot take the “crackpot, tin hat , conspiracy theorist” dismissive POV at this juncture imho. Claiming “misinformation” is laughable when the PTB have moved the goalposts all over the field. Case in point : Fauci - “no one should be wearing masks” , later “we all need to wear masks” - “we only lied because we didn’t want a shortage of masks”. It’s the ol bait and switch , haha, we lied 🤥 coming from the very authorities that want you to volunteer for a : 1) “vaccine” - which is really not a vaccine in the traditional sense but rather an EXPERIMENTAL mRNA gene therapy and IF you bother to read the insert from the manufacturer it states this quite clearly : 2) “vaccine” which is being introduced under a special “emergency authorization use” via the FDA - in plain English this means it has NOT gone thru the prerequisite trials ... This is common knowledge to those who have bothered to do even a minuscule amount of research. Again, IF someone feels that because of underlying conditions they may benefit from this then it is available for them. The issue that many have here is the “vaccine passports , no jab / no job” coercion/blackmail that is occurring now whereby one can decline to take the vax but will be treated as a second class citizen and this will lead to further erosion of freedom! There HAS NEVER BEEN and NEVER WILL BE a vax for coronavirus or for the common-cold! PERIOD. I’m not anti vax ... IF I’m in my yard and get nicked or bitten by a rabid animal you bet your sweet ass I’m goin for the rabies treatment ... Why ? Because rabies is 100% FATAL! ... The panther cares not for the opinion of the sheep ... The hunter can make many mistakes , the hunted , only one
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Knowing that the honorable Fauci has slept precious little in the last year in his quest to save humanity, how can you be so skeptical, Bob?
My national newspaper had the whole front page dedicated to it today.
Guess that is your definition of " swept under the rug":|:

Conclusion is, stopping the use of AstraZeneca is an overreaction.

Yup, one woman had a bloodclot.
In Denmark, population 6 million, we yearly have 9000 brain situated blood clots, 12000 in legs and 12000 in lungs.

So yep, one woman with a blood clot, where it still hasn't been determined if the vaccine was actually the cause, and you antivaxxers are running in circles, screaming that the sky is falling.
If one who is skeptical/hesitant when it comes to vaccines is deemed an “anti-vaxxer”, what do you call those who believe a vaccine is their savior? (Honest question.) Everyone who smokes won’t die of lung cancer....and not smoking is no guarantee that one won’t. We are mortal creatures with an expiration date. I don’t fault anyone who wants to take the vax...simply don’t see it as the answer for myself. I’d prefer to get Covid and build immunity. Get a vax for C-19....then a new vax for C-21....wash/rinse/repeat. Not a viable option IMO.
The funny thing with you, Scott, is that you have gone on about how the Covid death rate vas faked/ inflated, how basically everybody who has died in the US since march 11 last year was attributed to covid.
Yet, when someone presents numbers like that, numbers that no-one else have heard about, it is gospel to you.
If one who is skeptical/hesitant when it comes to vaccines is deemed an “anti-vaxxer”,

Since Covid started Daniel Murphy has started a slew of new threads here, all pretty much about the same subject.
It is like having the jehova's witnesses knock on the door, every day.

Gets tiring after a while.

If I was into conspiracies, I'd say the virus was created for the sake of him and Frankie.
They are both having the time of their lives, running around and crying DOOOM is near.....................................mark my words.
A kid that gets to play outside (and eat dirt) should develop a healthier immune system then a kid raised in a sterile environment. That's my premise.
So I have trouble understanding why measles, smallpox, and other diseases were so devastating when brought to the Americas from overseas.
Countries like Australia that are über vigilant about Covid transmission have placed all their bets on effective vaccines. As opposed to the USA, Brazil, etc, where the virus has been more or less allowed to wander hither and fro.
Is a high Covid death toll / lingering incapacitation worth it for a country to build up some natural immunity vs perpetual lockdown scenarios? If the Covid virus manages to hang around for a couple of decades and mutate into many different varieties, then I think Covid vaccine folks have a job forever and ever trying to play catch up.
I’m sure some will diss this as heresy, but I’ll post it anyway....

You can not tell these “geniuses” anything. Even when the evidence is placed before them they simply refuse to believe it and instead launch into a volley of ad hominem attacks. This “vaccine” has not been vetted properly and they DO NOT KNOW the immediate thru long term effects and ADMIT this in their own literature! It is being injected into people under EAU by the FDA here in the USA. The makers of the vaccines CANNOT be held liable for ANYTHING should someone suffer ailments either immediately or down the road! This is insanity ! If I purchase a vehicle from General Motors and suffer injury due to a flaw in their manufacturing process then I can sue them for damage in a court of law - could you imagine if this same immunity from prosecution that the pharmaceutical companies enjoy were bestowed upon other industries and their “products” ? It would simply be a nightmare with profits trumping safety every time. As far as “curing” the coronavirus goes - NOT going to happen - it will be with us forever , just like all the others, including the common cold. This is madness you maniacs !
If I was into conspiracies, I'd say the virus was created for the sake of him and Frankie.
They are both having the time of their lives, running around and crying DOOOM is near.....................................mark my words.
@stig , please take a deep breath and re-read your statement - perhaps something is being lost in translation. I cannot speak for Daniel, and I’m most certainly not running around having “the time of my life” yelling “the end is near” , this is nonsense
Check how few posts both of you had before Corona and how many after.