Regarding Covid

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As explained by America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS), ADE “is when anti-COVID antibodies, created by a vaccine, instead of protecting the person, cause a more severe or lethal disease when the person is later exposed to SARS-CoV-2 in the wild. The vaccine amplifies the infection rather than preventing damage.”

AFLDS provides an example of a vaccine produced to fight the Dengue fever, which resulted in deaths of 600 children in the Philippines due to ADE, and the filing of criminal charges against the decisionmakers in 2019.

For these reasons and more, AFLDS and many other doctors strongly discourage the use of these experimental vaccines for most people while only acknowledging that it may be plausible for those over 70 years of age, yet acknowledging that such injections are “a higher risk than early or prophylactic treatment with established medications” (sources here, here, here, and here).

Given these death rates, Yativ and Seligmann also have harsh criticism for the severe pressure being imposed upon the population by Israeli authorities to receive these shots. According to INN, the researchers call these draconian efforts “a new Holocaust.”

In the past weeks, Israel’s government made headlines when they a “green pass” system, allowing people who have been injected to receive a green code, which then grants them entry into places such as entertainment and leisure facilities.

As the country reopens after a two-month lockdown, the green pass would be given only to those who had been injected, not to people who tested negative for the virus. The proposed benefits include access to “non-essential” businesses as well as not being required to self-isolate if identified as a close contact of a confirmed case of COVID-19, and not having to self-isolate after a return from a what the government calls a “red location.”

Despite there being no proof that these experimental vaccines actually prevent transmission of the virus, Israel’s minister for health, Yuli Edelstein, said upon the release of the vaccine “passport” that “(g)etting vaccinated is a moral duty. It is part of our mutual responsibility.” He went further, declaring, “Whoever does not get vaccinated will be left behind.”
Since Covid started Daniel Murphy has started a slew of new threads here, all pretty much about the same subject.
They are both having the time of their lives, running around and crying DOOOM is near.....................................mark my words.
I've had some pretty good times in my life... still having them... but ya, it's more fun than falling down a flight of steps, breaking bones, and chemotherapy.... A LOT more fun than that!
If I was into conspiracies, I'd say the virus was created for the sake of him and Frankie.

A kid that gets to play outside (and eat dirt) should develop a healthier immune system then a kid raised in a sterile environment...
So I have trouble understanding why measles, smallpox, and other diseases were so devastating when brought to the Americas from overseas.

Good question. I'm the furthest thing from medically knowledgable but I would guess the answer is, yes, outdoor kids do have healthier immune systems but not strong enough to ward off flu, covid, polio, etc.
Good link, the Mick, and pretty much what I said :rockhard:
Not so sure Cory, what the link says is that thousands of generations of old world humans had smallpox for example and they had built some kind of immunity/resistance.
New world humans had never had it so succumbed in much greater numbers.
"...surviving Europeans gradually developed some acquired immunity..."

Ya I most basically get that, thanks Mick.
Acquired immunity to Covid will gradually develop, vaccine or no vaccine.
...but the nexus of my pondering re. new diseases decimating native populations, is why there arent there millions of Covid dead Chinese and East Indians, Africans, Indonesians, etc.
After all, Covid is a "new" virus.
Shouldn't it treat "everybody" equally?
covid is especially rough on old people and fat people. a lot of countries have relatively very low populations of fat people or old people or both. some countries like japan, taiwan, vietnam... are very hygenic and even pre covid they wear masks at the first hint of a sniffle to protect those around them.
Covid has /particular/ mortality rates, and I don't think it's fully understood. Some people get it and never know, while others get it and die. Viruses are different.
Anyway, my main preoccupation of late concerning the most basic of internet searches, is the perplexing unavailability of a Henry .44mag Mare's Leg or Big Boy from a Canadian retailer. Sigh.
Shouldnt Covid affect a healthy 80kg 50yr old male (or female, or whatever) having the same BMI equally?
Anyway, my main preoccupation of late concerning the most basic of internet searches, is the perplexing unavailability of a Henry .44mag Mare's Leg or Big Boy from a Canadian retailer. Sigh.
Could you make one?

Shouldnt Covid affect a healthy 80kg 50yr old male (or female, or whatever) having the same BMI equally?
I wouldn't say that. Humans are complicated machines, and as much as everyone says "we're all the same", it clearly isn't true. Guessing why people handle covid differently is out of my pay grade, but I bet with sufficient(unobtanium at this point) knowledge, risk/severity could be precisely mapped.
it's not surprising to see that Wikipedia neglected to mention germ warfare used by the Europeans, purposefully giving natives infectious small pox blankets which devastated whole communities. the idea that the Americas were largely uninhabited when the Europeans arrived has been discredited as estimates of pre-Columbian population numbers have continued to be revised upwards by many millions of people....

where did they go?

it was and continues to be genocide
So I have trouble understanding why measles, smallpox, and other diseases were so devastating when brought to the Americas from overseas.

May I suggest using the most basic of internet searches? That will ease your troubles.
Not so sure Cory,

I believe, as a simple point of discussion, that Pelorus' question about stronger immune systems resulting from exposure to dirt etc is the same exact concept as the Europeans developing resistance/immunity to smallpox etc.

From your very excellent wiki link: "Because their populations had not been previously exposed to most of these infectious diseases, the indigenous people rarely had individual or population acquired immunity and consequently suffered very high mortality."

Same concept as city kids growing up in overly clean environments being susceptible to powerful allergic reactions to common stuff.
I wouldn't say that. Humans are complicated machines, and as much as everyone says "we're all the same", it clearly isn't true. Guessing why people handle covid differently is out of my pay grade, but I bet with sufficient(unobtanium at this point) knowledge, risk/severity could be precisely mapped.

True. We all have our own uniqueness. I had an uncle who passed away back in 1985 from diabetes at around 40. He had already gone blind in one eye. My father-in-law succumbed to a heart attack two weeks ago at 82. He’d been a diabetic for decades, had COPD and was very overweight. Hard to grasp.
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Could you make one?

No - I like the short barrel and large hand loop on the mares leg but want a full size stock. Iraqveteran8888 has a couple of vids on them.
Just get a guide gun if possible. Short enough. Large hand loop can be had and added later or ordered that way. Long wait though.
No mares legs for CA USA either.
“They claim it’s worse on black people.”

And brown people but that’s only because they’re not smart enough to use the internet to sign up to get the “vaccine”.