I've never shot one of these but the fullsize and compact caniks are excellent I've had several.That looks horrible to be quite honest.
I have Smith shield plus and a Taurus gx4 I'm good on micro compacts
I've never shot one of these but the fullsize and compact caniks are excellent I've had several.That looks horrible to be quite honest.
Nucking futz. Do Americans really see their children as some expendable resource to advance agendas, either pro or con? That's just beyond the pale.The reason why it is such a big issue now in TN is because of that Covenant school shooting, which has a lot of suspicious stuff surrounding it. I don't know for sure, call me a conspiracy theorist if you like, but it may have been a well planned event to get the gun control ball rolling in TN after TN had been easing up on gun control.
Now way, not Americans, just the ones who run the world. It's the perfect setup for misinterpretation against the truth, but I don't expect anyone to believe me, and I don't want to derail the thread, but I can back this claim up pretty solidly. It's just a matter of if you want to spend a whole day getting a tour of the rabbit hole's main sewer.Nucking futz. Do Americans really see their children as some expendable resource to advance agendas, either pro or con? That's just beyond the pale.
No, you're not a conspiracy theorist, you've just lost your mind.
I didn't see your postThat kills me. Cant find it on our roster. I'll go the gun shop tomorrow and have them look it up
Wow I had no ideaYes. We look it up on the CA DOJ web site and it has to be on the roster to be able to buy it.
Comical actually.
WHen I wanted a Ruger SP101 in .357 with a certain size barrel, you could get the stainless, but not the blued. So you had to know the model numbers to order the "appropriately safer" revolver for CA. "insert eye roll here"
Bureau of Firearms
Welcome to the California DOJ Bureau of Firearms The Bureau of Firearms serves the people of California through education, regulation, and enforcement actions regarding the manufacture, sales, ownership, safety training, and transfer of firearms. Bureau of Firearms staff will be leaders in...oag.ca.gov
Handguns Certified for Sale
"If ya can't break 99 out of a 100 at 50 yards moving at +40 miles an hour in unknown direction on launch, you aren't all that great at shooting."
I dunno, sorta makes shooting a handgun at a static target under no time pressure seem easier.