Official Guns Thread

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That looks horrible to be quite honest.
I've never shot one of these but the fullsize and compact caniks are excellent I've had several.
I have Smith shield plus and a Taurus gx4 I'm good on micro compacts
I have to wonder about the real world effectiveness of sub-compact pistols? I have shot Caniks before and they were ok if you like that sort of thing.. However strolling around with a gun like the one pictured makes me wonder how long it would take to get it into action from a pocket unless your had was already gripping it? No idea.
I'm not a big Crowder fan, but this series of vids he does on firearma while he's away on vacation are pretty good, especially for noobs or those just interested in learning about various aspects of guns:

Smith has a deal on the optics ready with night sights
Shield plus 9mm with three additional free mag's IMG_20230708_113052.jpg
So I bought one they are only 350.00 no tax in my state
and am going to get a micro red dot to try those out I've never tried them.
Not getting the warm and fuzzies from what's listed in here. @Nutball , any comments on what your idiotic governor is proposing as per this?

He's another swamp monster.

There may be good reasons to take away guns from people who take certain drugs. Makes sense if certain drugs can make you go crazy, right? Sounds to me like the drug companies working together with the government to take guns away. This is how they work. Some problem arises for whatever reason, they try to fix it with a band-aid, which makes the problems worse by either not fixing it or causing other problems which they keep slapping more band-aids (laws or medications) on. At some point it will be out of control, and/or we will end up in a situation that is very similar to where we started. Why was America founded? For freedom? Where is America heading? Away from freedom, which may end up as another revolution. When does the cycle end?

The reason why it is such a big issue now in TN is because of that Covenant school shooting, which has a lot of suspicious stuff surrounding it. I don't know for sure, call me a conspiracy theorist if you like, but it may have been a well planned event to get the gun control ball rolling in TN after TN had been easing up on gun control.

"If ya can't break 99 out of a 100 at 50 yards moving at +40 miles an hour in unknown direction on launch, you aren't all that great at shooting."

I dunno, sorta makes shooting a handgun at a static target under no time pressure seem easier.

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The reason why it is such a big issue now in TN is because of that Covenant school shooting, which has a lot of suspicious stuff surrounding it. I don't know for sure, call me a conspiracy theorist if you like, but it may have been a well planned event to get the gun control ball rolling in TN after TN had been easing up on gun control.
Nucking futz. Do Americans really see their children as some expendable resource to advance agendas, either pro or con? That's just beyond the pale.
No, you're not a conspiracy theorist, you've just lost your mind.
Nucking futz. Do Americans really see their children as some expendable resource to advance agendas, either pro or con? That's just beyond the pale.
No, you're not a conspiracy theorist, you've just lost your mind.
Now way, not Americans, just the ones who run the world. It's the perfect setup for misinterpretation against the truth, but I don't expect anyone to believe me, and I don't want to derail the thread, but I can back this claim up pretty solidly. It's just a matter of if you want to spend a whole day getting a tour of the rabbit hole's main sewer.
That kills me. Cant find it on our roster. I'll go the gun shop tomorrow and have them look it up
I didn't see your post
How does your states roster thing work
I'm guessing not just any 1911 can be bought there it has to be on the roster?
These are fun IMG_20230807_114116~2.jpg
It took me near 7 month's to finally find one locally it's a Taurus tx .22 compact
I bought a couple of red dots to try I've never had one on a pistol IMG_20230807_114102.jpg
Also put one on a 9mm shield plus
They seem to help me focus I have astigmatisms
Taurus has a three free mag and a range bag when you buy a tx.22
And smith still has three free mag's also when you buy a shield plus or EZ series.
Yes. We look it up on the CA DOJ web site and it has to be on the roster to be able to buy it.
Comical actually.
WHen I wanted a Ruger SP101 in .357 with a certain size barrel, you could get the stainless, but not the blued. So you had to know the model numbers to order the "appropriately safer" revolver for CA. "insert eye roll here"
Yes. We look it up on the CA DOJ web site and it has to be on the roster to be able to buy it.
Comical actually.
WHen I wanted a Ruger SP101 in .357 with a certain size barrel, you could get the stainless, but not the blued. So you had to know the model numbers to order the "appropriately safer" revolver for CA. "insert eye roll here"
Wow I had no idea
I don't shoot .40 much anymore so I found a 40.00 .40-9mm conversion barrel from a company called TRYBE and some 8.00 ETS magazines IMG_20230814_220759.jpg IMG_20230815_184712.jpg
I shot a few mag's of 9mm through it no issues
Prints a little high and left compared to the .40 barrel.
It sucks that I tried to buy a Glock 19 magazine at my local shop they told me they had so many mag's stolen when they had them on the sales floor they had to lock them up behind the counter
They were showing 10 on hand all had been stolen.

"If ya can't break 99 out of a 100 at 50 yards moving at +40 miles an hour in unknown direction on launch, you aren't all that great at shooting."

I dunno, sorta makes shooting a handgun at a static target under no time pressure seem easier.


With a weapon that throws a pattern the size of a dustbin lid.

At a target that presents on demand.

Most of my pistol shooting is done one handed.The target presents itself for 5 seconds,you must raise the gun shoot and lower it before the target rotates back.Its called duel,you can probably understand why.

I shot trap at a national level at high-school,it is the easiest competitive shooting sport to master. We have evolved to be able to hit moving targets,I have seen people hit flying clays with pistols and used to regularly break them with a bolt action .22.

practice and good practice.
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