O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

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I've never had the pleasure of dragging brush though a house or apartment, hope I never do!! :rockhard:
I'd love to see the situation and customer that would pay for us to do that kinda hand labor. I'd absolutely bid it, and be amazed if I got it.
i did‘nt bid it, i just helped a friend for one day to finish it. and luckily those city-houses have quite a large „gate“ trough them. miniloader would easily fit but as i said, load bearing was questionable.
Does anyone have a vid showing the ideal use of a full wrap saw? Quality of cutting is irrelevant. I just want to see where it's best used. Every time the topic of a full wrap comes up, I can't think of a single time it would've saved the day for me. There's been a couple times it would've been a nice trivial convenience, but the hassle of dealing with the clutch cover every single time it has to be dealt with, and losing close ground clearance would outweigh the convenience by a factor of 10.
I dunno about a video. I could look around I reckon :).

But your gripe about messing with the clutch cover??? It does not happen. The wrap handle is shaped to accommodate that need. No different to work with than a standard handle.

BTW, nice to read you, my friend. @lxskllr
But your gripe about messing with the clutch cover??? It does not happen.
Maybe. It looks like a hassle to get a scrench on though. My 362 came with a stubby full wrap scrench(half wrap saw though), and it's fine, but I prefer the full height scrench, and working around the handle looks like a minor pain, but maybe not. I've never used one.

It's true that you would need a shorty scrench for some wrap handles, though not all. Never occurred to me that a shorty might be unsatisfactory, but if it is for you then it is.
The stubby scrench isn't terrible. I just prefer full height more. I guess I'd have to just use a full wrap, and see what I think. Looking at pics doesn't really tell you what it feels like in practice.
For sure.

I barely tolerate my little 361 with the standard wrap, cost being the only thing that has kept me from replacing the oem handle.
For some odd reason the Chinese et al have not produced a wrap handle for this model. If anyone knows differently, please give me a heads up.

A 3/4 wrap handle is what I was raised on, and from my first beginnings as a real sawyer I had one on every saw I worked seriously with. It is just how I roll.
@lxskllr Just visualize cutting generally horizontal from left to right with the belly of the bar. It is so much easier to just slide your left hand over to the wrap side (right on the saw) as you move the saw into position to make the cut, either limbing or making a face heading left or a back cut heading right. No need to move around the tree to the other side, no need to support the saw with your wrist twisted sideways.

Aloft especially, cutting with the top of the bar to keep chips headed away from your face when cutting right to left, same deal.
I see them oem and a few US sources, yup very spendy. I was hoping someone had found a chinesium version, like I see for most bigger Stihl pro saws. For my level of use, that would fit the ticket, if it existed. So far, I don't see them.
Back in the day we used to wrap each bundle with a blanket to avoid damaging the paintwork in the house.
I had my bud pulling brush up some steps from a sunken patio. He was a carpenter, You would think he would notice the natural cedar siding he was roughing up. I caught him before he did much damage. The customer didn't say anything, but I am sure he noticed. Weather probably took care of it.
I had my bud pulling brush up some steps from a sunken patio. He was a carpenter, You would think he would notice the natural cedar siding he was roughing up. I caught him before he did much damage. The customer didn't say anything, but I am sure he noticed. Weather probably took care of it.
Been there, gotta love it ;)
I give up. I can't find a Chinese full wrap for the 361. For some reason I *can* find one for 170. I don't know why such a thing exists, but it does. Might be fun to get a full wrap for mine, a pair of chonky westcoast dogs, and a 12" bar just to make it extra stupid :^D
Just visualize cutting generally horizontal from left to right with the belly of the bar. It is so much easier to just slide your left hand over to the wrap side (right on the saw) as you move the saw into position to make the cut, either limbing or making a face heading left or a back cut heading right. No need to move around the tree to the other side, no need to support the saw with your wrist twisted sideways.
I cut motor-down/pulling-chain frequently with zero problem with half wrap so I dunno. It is true I've never tried a full wrap
