The oil/gas cannister that I have used and loved for 30 years is gone for good.
The oil cannister part used to wear through in the bottom, from riding in the truck, so every 5 years or so, we'd get a new one and attach it to the gas part.
Those last forever, unless one hits them with a tree. ( Been there, done that).
Today my dealer told me that they are a thing of the past.
So I bought the new issue and already like it a lot, even though I haven't used it yet apart from filling it up.
They put a see-through stripe in the end, so one can actually gauge when it is full, instead of using my old method of knowing it is full when alkylate fuel sloshes on my feet.
( Got to think about the amount of expensive fuel I've lost that way. When logging I fill 5-6 cannisters a day, that adds up to so much lost gas, I could have gone to California for the money that went down the drain.....................F...!)
Just to calm any greenies out there, we are required to keep fuel and oil on a spill retarding pallet, no fuel actually "went down the drain"
Anyway, this new one has a place to keep files, and a rachet to keep them from falling out.
A clip to retain the scrench and a mini tool box with room for the raker gauge, lil' screw driver for those who don't run computerized saws and a stump vice.
No room for the glasses that I need to sharpen a saw these days, but then I can't blame Jonsered for not doing that special bit for the old peeps ( Is this where I toss the " snowflake" card?)
Nice to see a well thought throug update of a classic that has been part of my life for about forever.