I think it is just one of those things. Even knowing that your freedom is being compromised if they want to hassle you for having something to drink hours earlier, you just have to suck it up and go with the rule of the day when it comes to drinking and driving.. Either that or become president. One beer doesn't seem too bad all in all, realizing that people are humans and compared to some other places where like an angry woman they say, "Zero level of tolerance"! I tell you that drinking and riding a bike makes for no longer drinking and getting behind the wheel, I mean knowing that there is still an option. I went into the local police box and actually asked them if I could drink and ride my bike, needing it from the horse's mouth after having heard vastly conflicting views on the subject. It was like they had never been asked that question before. I think they wondered if I had been drinking at the time. They eventually said i could as long as I don't hurt anyone or anything, and if they observe the bike handling skills to be overly compromised, they would issue a warning. Two or three warnings leads to a citation. It's like soccer, just don't get the red card.