O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

  • Thread starter Thread starter Paul B
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One of the most awesome tools ever. Paul, you really made something truly wonderful, you rock dude :)
I think it has been up four trees since I got it. :D Already some peeps want to do a demo climb with me. Hope I can generate some more sales for ya mang :)


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Makes a two man crew quite efficient at getting the job done. I did multiple climbs on a prune one day when I demo'd it after the GTG. Rob shot the next line in, I finished a section, rapped out and back up I went. Beats the heck of hauling large saws and rigging up a line when you can just ascend with it attached.
My best day at my age and experience is 300 feet total in multiple ascents. Not counting moving in canopy. Setting high rigging and taking out hangers just became a lot less work for this old asthmatic.
Can't thank Paul enough for how he has changed things for the better here for me.
Stephen, you look like a natural with the device....perhaps about everyone does, but in the pics you sure look comfortable with it.
I could have used one yesterday.
I was hanging owl nesting boxes for our version of the Audubon society.
SRT up the tree, hang the box, move on to next tree ad nauseum.

I started having Wraptor daydreams about the 5th tree!
Some day I hope to be the first on the block to have one. In the mean time, I get a vicarious pleasure in seeing folks use them.
I could have used one yesterday.
I was hanging owl nesting boxes for our version of the Audubon society.
SRT up the tree, hang the box, move on to next tree ad nauseum.

I started having Wraptor daydreams about the 5th tree!

Something I should add to my bucket list. It sounds like something I would like doing..
Had to take a lil' somethin' somethin' for a test ride after work after it came today. This is actually Tim riding it. This is waaaaaaaay to easy!

Wraptor 1.jpg Wraptor 2.jpg
Hello Everyone! I haven't been here in a LONG time. Busy, busy... I hope all are well. Thought I'd share the new truck.

Damn everyone's getting Wraptors!

I'm jealous, of that slick looking truck too Wagnaw. Things are going well I assume?
Yeah man. Competition is pretty tough these days, but we've been keeping a 3/4 full schedule and paying the bills! This truck was a beater we bought for 6700 bucks, and we fixed it up.
Nothing super exciting, but just bought 4 new tires for my Suzuki. Like the look of them more than the others, went with a more all terrain tread then the highway tread. But man, didn't realize how expensive tires can be. Cost me $750 when all was said and done.
Yep, and thats after $100 and free alignment. Tires themselves were $185 a pop. But cool thing is, I get free alignment and rotation for life with this place, which is pretty sweet.