So, evac lifted after mid day. Went and got feed for all the critters. They had a supply station in town. They have an overage from all the rescues going home. Power came right on after we supplied up. So we have full water tanks again. The Sheriffs were taken back that we stayed, wondered why we did not call for feed and water. I just said, hey, you guys were busy and we had enough to get through till today or tomorrow. Why tax what limited resources we had further?
I think they respected that. Picked up the kids and stopped for a bite. Sat with a few fire crews and thanked them for the valiant work.
Still a lot of hot spots. Flare ups. Soooooooo with more winds coming and higher temps, we stand at the ready in case.
Client scheduled for tomorrow mails me after he just got home from evac (literally lives around the hill from us so we both got evac lifted today).
All set to work tomorrow... bla bla bla.... we will start over here and do that over there.
I was reasonably stern and polite in my reply that he could probably get stuffed. I only have the rental truck to move kit anyway. I have to make at least two trips just to get started. Not to mention refrigerators to clean out and every friggin' thing else going on. Call rental company to extend my rental as everything that was to be moved and or worked on, parts ordered, went to hell in a hand bag on evac orders and vacating a town. What a tool. I love collecting his check after a weeks worth of work every month. So I'll be nice, remind him who is in control of the ship. Get some work done maybe starting tues and possibly get Friday off as well.