Whats LEO?
Looking at the situation report, wow, 16-18* humidity!!!! No wonder it's all burning.
Are these fires hot fires? Like, ones that haven't burnt through an area in years, so a massive fuel load that burns real hot, instead of just running through and gone?
Lots of fuel reduction burning is going on this winter in Tasmania, they are trying to get ahead of fires for the next few seasons, get fuel loads down in critical areas. Ours is the only state in Australia where fuel reduction burns take place on both private and public lands, co-ordinated by the TFS and the State Fire Commission...basically no discrimination in regards to land ownership, if it gets flagged as an area that needs reduction burning, it gets done.
Looking at the situation report, wow, 16-18* humidity!!!! No wonder it's all burning.
Are these fires hot fires? Like, ones that haven't burnt through an area in years, so a massive fuel load that burns real hot, instead of just running through and gone?
Lots of fuel reduction burning is going on this winter in Tasmania, they are trying to get ahead of fires for the next few seasons, get fuel loads down in critical areas. Ours is the only state in Australia where fuel reduction burns take place on both private and public lands, co-ordinated by the TFS and the State Fire Commission...basically no discrimination in regards to land ownership, if it gets flagged as an area that needs reduction burning, it gets done.