Gary, yes. He got ejected from the truck when it went off road. These guys are whooped tired. Some 48 hours straight before going back to camp. If this is the worst injury.....welll. we are damn lucky. We had a unit helping a HO to get out and the whole lot got trapped. They headed for the river. Dozer joined up with then to continue the march. This went on for two days. No help could extract due to conditions. They are safe. Lost contact with them for a day. That could have ended horribly.
Burnham, you would be amazed what I can accomplish during a crisis when I am trying to get gas, water, ice, fuel, feed, kids moved, gennys up, trailers packed, weeds whacked and prep for defense attack...

BBQ chops when I got home
I dropped at the post office before I went back up the hill. Got a dump run in too first thing in the morning. Then they said they were closing town, so I knew the mail would leave too

Anyway. Looks like things are going in the right direction for us. Town is open again. But all the other evacs stand TFN. So we still can't leave to resupply. Gonna need feed for critters soon.looks like maybe tomorrow we will be ablessing to get some. I don't like one way trips. I can be pretty convincing in class 2 shirts and a hard hat if needed driving this pretty new whit 4x4 I rented

Neighbor up the street ran out of water. He had asked if we could ration him some, we were OK with that. Maybe up to 100 gallons get him by for a couple days if he is careful. Cops caught him at his driveway trying to get down to us. So I went and fetched him and his containers and no nonsense came from it.
Anyway. Coulterville, above the river canyon is the biggest concern right now and flair ups. Stuff is still hot and prone to reignite.
Still no power here. Might be in 12 hours

Two highways are still closed. Long ride to go south to get north after going west from the south. Makes a 45 minute trip about 3 hours.