Kyles redneck builds/ ideas

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Well, got welded out tonight on the chipper thing. Finished under the lights so no pics, but it's ready to rig and test. Obviously that's all coming in time, and I really wanna see if the self tailer thing is gonna work like i think it will.
Yup, that's my idea. I've never seen it anywhere, least not that i can remember. If you look up the capstan formula, it shows how the coefficient of friction helps determine the amount of force needed to hold a load, or in my case raise one. Sailboat instruction books show how to ease a sheet off of a winch, and you place your palm of your own hand, fingers clear obviously, to help guide the wraps as you ease the line down. The tire should act similarly, by pressing the line into the drum you are greatly increasing friction, which should mean when i winch the lines are held tight, in position, and will self tail because from the ropes point of view it's like i have tons of wraps on the capstan. By being a rolling element, the wheel should allow the drill to winch because it doesn't impede that at all, it just adds friction like a sheave would. Don't know if it works yet, i just got it built to be able to try it.
Well what the hell buddy you can't post pics like that and not have a full report and operating specs. Damn it we need to know! 😜
It's really hard to see, but under the chipper tray is a pipe, that's one outrigger. It is shown with a car jackstand under it, I'll likely just use skids to crib it with a slide at the outer end The other one is shown too, that's the angled piece that goes to the ground. That has a pipe teed on the bottom, so it will sit on 2 skids, and then will be guyed back to the bottom of the mast. The boom is limited to between those 2 points, so it's supported at the limit of the machine. The boom will reach just far enough to load trucks.
Got it rigged and played with it a bit, it works. Even the self tailer, which honestly surprised me lol. Just drug a 300 pound pipe 50 feet away or so to the chipper tray effortlessly, lifted it, whole 9 yards. I really don't like the gooseneck so that'll be modified, as will the luffing line, but it works. Might even do a dedicated line for the door that blocks the chute, using the load line works but it pulls it out because of the angle of the boom, and resetting the boom angle everytime would really slow down the process unnecessarily. Maybe even just use a friction hitch for the boom, that would allow super fast changes as well. By simply clipping the line out of the way and hauling it tight you remove the danger anways, so having a line that does the lockout wouldn't be any more dangerous than my original plan. Vid and pictures are coming, have to make the kiddos lunch and stuff. I'll also have to order more blocks and stuff, i am lacking the rigging to do the haulback line, but it will work just fine using it as a jammer for now.
Dang civilians always getting in the way!! Very cool show...good speed and power.

Looks like you use (and dropped 3:43) the same type Bluetooth headset I use...LG. Fine work on the Frankenwinch.
Thank you, but that was just me holding the phone lol. I'm not fancy enough for a headset :lol:
That looks a bit strange, some would say ugly:/:, but that's well thought. Nice.
That's tempting, but if I do the same with my chipper, I will overturn it two seconds after taking out the slack, outriggers or not.
I'll admit it looks rather unconventional. If i get around to painting it in the next couple years that'll help :lol:
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