Kyles redneck builds/ ideas

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Hmmmm dunno. I do know that braided winch lines like a flatter sheave, but i dunno. It should work i think lol
When i build stuff like this, i usually do a simple drawing first so i can come up with rough length estimations, then I'll do some calculations on loading. That way i can size stuff accordingly. I know that with the capstan winch I'm using I'll be right around 1k line pull, so i can use that for my calculations on stuff. Since it's designed the way it is (stiffleg derrick), the pipes are either in direct compression or tension, so it's easy to use a column loading chart for pipe columns to see what is an acceptable load (yes you need to do trig). I probably should scale it to see exactly what it weighs, but i think with my very conservative outrigger distance I'll be good. Basically you calculate your steel for the estimated loading, then I'll calculate overturning torque so the outrigger will have more. Once it's done I'll do some proof pics with it at capacity, so I'll know that I'm good within my wll.

I think the limiting factor will definitely be its tipping point, i made the mast tall enough to rig a few guylines if possible with the area to help keep it upright. The pipes are larger than needed, and will carry far more load than the rope will. If it's tipping while I'm dragging limbs to the machine, i could always boom down which would turn it more into a side pull rather than a tipping moment. Still thinking on the outriggers, i think i can still do one to the masthead for the side pull but the one coming back would need to be curved to fit around the tray better, which is still very doable but awkward. So I'm thinking one under the tray, and then one to the masthead out the side. The side one will be able to swing and stow away like the boom does on the other side of the upright post up front, so it won't take too long setting it up. There's a fair amount of rigging on this thing, but most of it should be able to be left alone and ready to go once i pull up.

I'm not really happy with the gooseneck, there's enough slop in the thrust bearing that it can get in a bind when the boom is more upright. Might not be an issue in service, so we'll see. So i might do something down the road to improve that, and if/ when i build another one I'll either get a better bearing or do one where the pipes touch on their sides like they did in the age of sail. The nice thing of building stuff like this is that it's only steel, so if it doesn't work like i want i can just cut it off and weld on new. Almost nothing ever works exactly right the first time you build something, there's always little things you didn't think of. So the drive to work on it until it's good is all that's required, not perfection right out of the gate. This will likely be a work in progress for awhile, but i think even in its imperfect form it still will run circles around me doing it by hand.
No pictures yet, but i got pretty much everything cut to finish up. I've decided on one outrigger to the masthead, and one under the chute with a screw jack. Got stuff to do tomorrow, but I'm hoping to get it all tacked up if i find the time.
Btw , the winch powered by drill, what is going to power the drill?
Not sure, but i imagine it will hold up ok. Same as using a grcs to do the same job, the only difference being that my chipper has it rigged permanently. It's going to run for a minute or so, then have a break while i chip and reset, then go again. If it becomes a problem i can go to actual winches, most likely hydraulic or pto to handle the duty cycle. It will also be used mainly for brush, and if i have more demanding needs I'll be using the other winch trailer, which will have the pto winch powered by a 13 hp gas engine.
Lol me too, i need to get it done. I got the door tacked up, kinda a nightmare doing that solo since it folds. Haven't had a chance to hook it to the crane to see if that's gonna work yet, might end up doing its own separate halyard (lol yes let's just call it that). It will block the chute very very well, and I'll do a flexible cover over the top. Got the bollards for the boom and haulback lines above the gooseneck, and the one for the outrigger on the 90 at the bottom. I'm getting there, but it takes time.

The good news is that this is more complicated than any of the other projects i got going, and I'll be able to use this as a crane when i do them. The other trailer is simple frame, but the winch and the engine are heavy and will need to be held in place while i weld it up.

The silver box is the remote for the welder, it's a homemade one. It will run 2 grinders, but it's dc so they have to be rated for it. It can be adjusted while welding, so when I'm welding pipeline I'm telling my helper up or down as i go. Of course i don't have that luxury when I'm working alone at home, but it's still nice to run grinders and be able to turn up or down as needed.
You gotta get the ac dc ones, otherwise you will burn them up. It's still 120 volt, but the dc is hard on the switching. Variable speed tools are a definite no go either. They do run better on dc tho, with more torque. The box will heat up as it's being used, and as you adjust the rheostat it reduces the voltage going to the windings and cools the puddle.
OK...when the shit hits the fan, when we all have to hide back in the deep woods to keep our loved ones safe from the...what? The aliens, the Russians, the neo-Nazis, the uber-liberals, or whomever you might like to identify as your worst nightmare...I would REALLY like to have Kyle in my end of days compound.

The man can make anything, from next to nothing.

No, i can read a recipe. I didn't invent them, they even sell them prewired and everything, I'm just cheap so i built my own, using wiring diagrams from the manuals. I'm colorblind and i managed, it's that easy :lol: I've invented nothing, all i do is what I've been taught to or taught myself. I stand on the shoulders of giants before me, and i have generations of knowledge in the palm of my hand in forums and stuff. I do appreciate the kind words tho.