In The News...

That's because they are usually the ones trying to legislate morals. Much better news when the republican homophobe gets caught cruising in the airport or the drug war advocate gets caught snorting lines. It is just assumed the liberals are gay alcoholic drug addicts anyway so there is no real news there.
She should get out before completely crumbling in front of the cameras. She's not likely the resigning type though, self admiration until the bitter end. She's got the wild eye look that tells you things are not going to get any better.
Her and Maxine Waters both. It's scary to think that they are a reflection of the people that elected them, real scary...
Whereas the way "The Donald" is a reflection of the people that elected him is.......................................???
A vote for Trump was a vote against Loretta Lynch. :lol: There is nothing at all crazy about not wanting to see that woman again in a top government position.....being rewarded for reprehensible behavior.
To be honest I really liked Carson but he came across as being a bit timid. Trump might not be the best man for the job but I think the world dodged a bullet.
To be honest I really liked Carson but he came across as being a bit timid.
I still like him, think he is a fine man with a great mind, morals, nerves of steel and unencumbered by politics. He might very well be one of those who walk softly and carry a big stick but that softness in his speech gives the impression of timidity. Truly great leaders of truly great nations are never timid or indecisive. There is however a time to say nothing and put nations or people on ignore, which does not make them any less a leader, it just keeps the opposition guessing.